Interpolate bone animation

Posted By: Michael_McCrickard

Interpolate bone animation - 06/16/09 16:05

I posted the following in "The Editors" section last week: 33 views and no replies so far. I think maybe this feature is not working or is not documented very well.


Has anyone gotten the "Interpolate bone animation" feature (under Manage Frames) to work? After several frustrating attempts, this is what I tried:

- I made a very simple model of two elongated cubes and hooked them together with a single bone.
- I made two key frames of animation and in the second one, I used the bone to rotate one of the cubes by 90 degrees.
-Then I added another frame in-between the first two and checked the "Interpolate bone animation" box.
- Now frame 2 should have the rotated cube at about 45 degrees, in other words, the angle should be about halfway between where it is in frame 1 and frame 3.
- But frame 2 looks just like frame 1!

If this super-simple test fails to work, I'm starting to wonder if this feature works at all. Or am I doing something wrong?
Posted By: jcl

Re: Interpolate bone animation - 06/17/09 05:37

I have just tried it with my more complicated test model and it worked here. But maybe there's a bug in that function. Can you send your model with the brief description above to support (at) They'll look into the matter.
Posted By: Michael_McCrickard

Re: Interpolate bone animation - 06/17/09 16:45

OK, I have sent the model and the description of the problem to support. Thanks very much.
Posted By: jcl

Re: Interpolate bone animation - 06/18/09 07:41

Thanks, we got it and will fix the problem in the next update.
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