cursor appearance over title bar and borders

Posted By: Scorpion

cursor appearance over title bar and borders - 08/08/09 18:24

the mouse cursor is always the same .ico, when it's over the engine window, even on the title bar and the window borders. When you turn it invisible it's really annoying, because you can't see if you are on the title bar to move the window.
Another thing to mention is, when you activate thick resizable borders, you won't see the fitting arrows for that.

It would be good, if you could make this behave in the default way. Of course I can check the mouse position and change the cursor image dependent, but that would be sort of a hack.

Posted By: jcl

Re: cursor appearance over title bar and borders - 08/10/09 08:15

You can not use mouse_map over the border or title bar. That's a DirectX function and only works within the Window.

Changing the mouse cursor over the title bar or border is automatically handled by Windows. Thus, it switches to arrows when you activate a thick border, but not with the thin default border.
Posted By: Scorpion

Re: cursor appearance over title bar and borders - 08/11/09 20:22

Yeah, I know that with the dx-cursor, but when the dx cursor is set to visible, there is no cursor over the window borders (it's the correct behaviour over the window content of course, but it stays the same outside of it).

And if you do not activate the dx-cursor, you see see the (windows-)mousecursor defined by mouse_pointer on the borders.

In any other application it works correct, so it's not my windows version. I know it's not a big issue, but would be cool if you could look at it.

Re: cursor appearance over title bar and borders - 08/12/09 06:49

I was having a similar problem when embedding the engine into a C# form. The default cursor is the 'hand' but it was also this when hovering over the title-bar and window buttons.

I solved my issue by running the engine in a different thread, so i guess the engine was overriding messages from the OS. Maybe handling WM_SETCURSOR may help.
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