How can I write in a different language characters such Arabic ?

Posted By: wesam

How can I write in a different language characters such Arabic ? - 10/09/09 15:45

I know that there are two methods for displaying the texts
- true type fonts, just like the ones used by Windows.
- bitmap fonts; a set of characters that is read from a bitmap file.

how could these methods help me to display my arabic character for example ?


Posted By: Cowabanga

Re: How can I write in a different language characters such Arab - 10/10/09 12:48

السلام عليكم، تقدر بكل سهولة انك تستعمل الترو تايب وتكتب الحروف العربية على طول، وراح ينفع. Any moderator please enable the Unicode in this thread.
Posted By: wesam

Re: How can I write in a different language characters such Arab - 10/11/09 10:48

ok , sounds great. but how can I do that ?

do I need to only write the name of the true type font in my system or should I load in a apecific location inside the 3Dstudio engin's path ?

Posted By: Scorpion

Re: How can I write in a different language characters such Arab - 10/11/09 11:11

if you want to use truetype fonts in gs, they must be installed on your system (in the windows font folder). Because of that when publishing the game, you have to make sure, that the font is installed by the installer.
Posted By: wesam

Re: How can I write in a different language characters such Arab - 10/11/09 11:39

ok , allright , I'll give myself the try to chech this .

thanks scoprion
Posted By: Cowabanga

Re: How can I write in a different language characters such Arab - 10/11/09 12:19

Click to reveal..
إذا كمبيوترك عربي، تقدر تستعمل الحروف العربية على طول. مثلاً خط ايريال راح يقبل عربي على الكمبيوترات العربية، اذاً انصحك باستعمال خط ايريال يونيكود، هذا الخط موجود بكل جهاز بالعالم.
وبعدها استعمل كود الخط عللى طوول. مثال

You'll have to use Arial Unicode.
FONT* arabic = "ArialUnicode#25b";

Posted By: wesam

Re: How can I write in a different language characters such Arab - 10/11/09 17:56

You'll have to use Arial Unicode.
FONT* arabic = "ArialUnicode#25b";

I have used this font but the letters dosn't appeare properly.

as you see i wrote the the letters in the code in correct order but it shows up side down . then i wrote in revers order and it dose not show properly . what do you think cawabanga?
Posted By: jcl

Re: How can I write in a different language characters such Arab - 10/12/09 07:12

Unicode uses 16-bit characters and is not supported by the engine. char* and STRING* are 8-bit characters.

Thus you either need an Truetype font with 256 characters of Arabic letters, or alternatively can make a bitmap font with Arabic letters.
Posted By: wesam

Re: How can I write in a different language characters such Arab - 10/12/09 08:01

Originally Posted By: jcl

Thus you either need an Truetype font with 256 characters of Arabic letters, or alternatively can make a bitmap font with Arabic letters.

I don't know how to make characters using bitmap . I mean what is the size of each character that should be? and the order of them ? i mean 32 character * 3 rows or 4 rows .

actually , I made a bitamp but it did not work with me .
Posted By: Superku

Re: How can I write in a different language characters such Arab - 10/13/09 01:36

Manual -> FONT
Posted By: wesam

Re: How can I write in a different language characters such Arab - 10/13/09 07:53

Originally Posted By: H.F.Pohl
Manual -> FONT

Ok, I'll check that out .
Posted By: jcl

Re: How can I write in a different language characters such Arab - 10/13/09 08:28

In case the manual was too hard to understand, I've uploaded a new page with an example image:
Posted By: wesam

Re: How can I write in a different language characters such Arab - 10/13/09 10:07

Ok man , this is will be better.
Posted By: wesam

Re: How can I write in a different language characters such Arab - 10/13/09 11:20

Guys, i'm so depressed . I was trying hard to make an bmap font. but it didn't work with . I absolutely know ,there is somthing wrong in my way to make a bmap font.

Check this below , this what I made.

it's a 32 characters * 4 rows
Posted By: Superku

Re: How can I write in a different language characters such Arab - 10/13/09 12:15

The image is a little bit too small to help you out wink
You may want to ask your question in the "Starting with Gamestudio" forum.
Posted By: Cowabanga

Re: How can I write in a different language characters such Arab - 10/13/09 12:17

No, no. You don't get it. You know, Arabic letters are clasped (or how to say it in English?), so you can't use bmap fonts.
Posted By: wesam

Re: How can I write in a different language characters such Arab - 10/13/09 19:19

Originally Posted By: Cowabanga
No, no. You don't get it. You know, Arabic letters are clasped (or how to say it in English?), so you can't use bmap fonts.

Then, how do you advise me to find another way to use the arabic charaters ?

thanks guys
Posted By: jcl

Re: How can I write in a different language characters such Arab - 10/14/09 08:38

In that case you really need a Truetype font. Look for a font that has arabic characters, but only 128 or 256 characters. That's not a Unicode font and will work with char* and STRING*.

In the strings in your script, you then need to type the ASCII equivalent of a certain Arabic letter. This won't look arabic, but will with that font. You can temporarily switch SED to the Arabic font for seeing it.
Posted By: Tobias

Re: How can I write in a different language characters such Arab - 10/14/09 09:49

Maybe, you can use a non Unicode font from here:
Posted By: Cowabanga

Re: How can I write in a different language characters such Arab - 10/14/09 13:06

I actually don't know what's the problem with your code, i just use Truetype and then i type in Arabic, sometimes i have to flip the words, like... الجمل Cheese. I'll have to write it like this: لمجلا eseehC.
And it'll work.
Posted By: wesam

Re: How can I write in a different language characters such Arab - 10/14/09 19:40

Originally Posted By: jcl
In that case you really need a Truetype font. Look for a font that has arabic characters, but only 128 or 256 characters. That's not a Unicode font and will work with char* and STRING*.

In the strings in your script, you then need to type the ASCII equivalent of a certain Arabic letter. This won't look arabic, but will with that font. You can temporarily switch SED to the Arabic font for seeing it.

OK I will search for that . but about the ascii code equivalent for the certain arabic letters , do you mean I should put the value[number] of the ASCII code that corresponds to the arabic letters?

and thank you after all .

Posted By: wesam

Re: How can I write in a different language characters such Arab - 10/14/09 19:59

Originally Posted By: Tobias
Maybe, you can use a non Unicode font from here:

I accessed into the site and tried the font there. Finally, it was working fine after all. see below :

It's not that pretty. it is usefull by now till we find another one .
and thank you very very very much .
Posted By: wesam

Re: How can I write in a different language characters such Arab - 10/14/09 20:05

Originally Posted By: Cowabanga
I actually don't know what's the problem with your code, i just use Truetype and then i type in Arabic, sometimes i have to flip the words, like... الجمل Cheese. I'll have to write it like this: لمجلا eseehC.
And it'll work.

I agree with you in the way you mentioned that the characters must be written in revers ordered.

thanks after all
Posted By: wesam

Re: How can I write in a different language characters such Arab - 10/14/09 20:16

Me and my team send our regards to you all guys. And if I found an other arabic true type font I'll inform you all for the results.

Posted By: Espér

Re: How can I write in a different language characters such Arab - 10/14/09 20:44

by the way..

Is there a way to let the game automatically install the font, if it doesn´t exist in the Windows Directory?

I know, in Rpg-maker XP, you put your game Fonts into the projects Subfolder

And a Script asks for them in Windows.. if they don´t exist, it installs them automatically..

Would be a good feature ^^
Posted By: wesam

Re: How can I write in a different language characters such Arab - 10/15/09 01:33

Is there a way to let the game automatically install the font, if it doesn´t exist in the Windows Directory?

To make this happen , I know one way . You should use a bmap font which means when the engin is going to call the font , it will look-up within your project folder.

I don't know if there is another way to make this happen for the true type font !

Posted By: jcl

Re: How can I write in a different language characters such Arab - 10/15/09 09:06

Your lite-C program can call a Windows function such as AddFontResource for installing a TTF font. Details about this can be found in the Windows API documentation, or google for AddFontResource.
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