Just wondering - multiple users, one computer

Posted By: ulillillia

Just wondering - multiple users, one computer - 07/15/06 20:42

I'm just wondering about licensing stuff for Gamestudio that my curiosity is getting at. What if two users were using the same copy of Gamestudio installed on only one computer where only one user can use the program at a time? Would you need two licenses or one in this case? I'm just curious about it.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Just wondering - multiple users, one computer - 07/15/06 21:07

I'm not Conitec but because you purchased a per-developer license of 3DGS, you are the owner of 3DGS and other users using your same computer can't use 3DGS.

But what you can do is if you purchased more than one copy of 3DGS, you can have 3DGS installed in something like this:

User 1's licensed-copy of 3DGS:
C:\Documents and Settings\User 1\Application Data\Conitec\3DGS\

User 2's licensed-copy of 3DGS:
C:\Documents and Settings\User 2\Application Data\Conitec\3DGS\

User 3's licensed-copy of 3DGS:
C:\Documents and Settings\User 3\Application Data\Conitec\3DGS\

...and so on.

Having each copy of 3DGS in Users' accounts are great for when users (except you since you're the administrator of your computer) are running in Limited Mode in Windows XP.

Conitec, please correct me if I'm wrong.
Posted By: jcl

Re: Just wondering - multiple users, one computer - 07/17/06 06:34

Grayson Peddie is right.
Posted By: ulillillia

Re: Just wondering - multiple users, one computer - 07/17/06 17:08

Thanks. I was just curious about it after reading another related thread.
Posted By: Edgecrusher

Re: Just wondering - multiple users, one computer - 07/21/06 04:39

Does that also mean, I can install my COM edition on both my PC and laptop, sind I'm the only one using both machines?
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Just wondering - multiple users, one computer - 07/21/06 06:30

Posted By: ulillillia

Re: Just wondering - multiple users, one computer - 07/21/06 06:33

Since you can be the only one that uses it, what if someone steals one's laptop or a family member unexpectedly uses it? Again, it's just my curiosity.
Posted By: jcl

Re: Just wondering - multiple users, one computer - 07/21/06 07:43

You're responsible and liable for being the sole user of that leptop.
Posted By: mpdeveloper_B

Re: Just wondering - multiple users, one computer - 07/24/06 23:21

ok a quick question, if there are two users and one user has the Commercial license (liscense to publish) and another user has Team Commercial(10 user liscense), and they are both working on the same project, then could both liscences be used at once? For instace 10 computers produce a commercial product that is being sold.
Posted By: Doug

Re: Just wondering - multiple users, one computer - 07/25/06 18:26

Yes. If you have a 10 user license you can have 10 different users working on the same project. Once finished, the full (publish enabled) version of Commercial can be used to publish the product to be sold.
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