Bug hunt forum - zero threads and posts?

Posted By: ulillillia

Bug hunt forum - zero threads and posts? - 07/17/06 06:09

I'm not sure if it's a bug with the forum software or not, but quite often, the bug hunt forum (and only that forum) frequently goes to having zero threads and posts. It was recently up to 3 threads with 5 posts and went down to 1 thread and I've seen it get to zero threads with 3 or 4 posts. I'm just wondering about it as it seems odd. The other forums don't have it, just this one.

PS: Before moving threads from the bug hunt forum, allow 24 hours' time so users can try clarifying messages and sometimes you may not be understanding something and once the thread is moved, it's never seen again.
Posted By: jcl

Re: Bug hunt forum - zero threads and posts? - 07/17/06 06:33

It is a bug of the forum software.

Moving a thread to another forum, and eventually removing the link will decrease the thread counter by 2, leading to a too-low thred count. We have to live with that. - I normally only move threads after the issue is resolved, unless they are obviously posted in the wrong forum.
Posted By: ulillillia

Re: Bug hunt forum - zero threads and posts? - 07/17/06 17:07

Sometimes it's not as obvious as it may seem which is why I suggest a 24-hour gap before moving as there could be details left out, incorrect details supplied (as with my case of the video_set bug), or something may be misunderstood.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Bug hunt forum - zero threads and posts? - 07/21/06 02:25

Hi. I thought I should offer a suggestion that you might want to consider doing a fix before you confirm that it is a bug of a forum software.

Why not create a new Bug Hunt forum and move all the threads to a new one and notice the effect? If you get the number of correct threads and posts, then this could solve the problem; thus you can delete that forum from the database.

But before you begin the procedure, you might want to take a forum offline before you test my "theory," one of 5 "scientific method."
Posted By: jcl

Re: Bug hunt forum - zero threads and posts? - 07/21/06 07:44

Creating a new forum won't fix the forum software.
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