Changing program information?

Posted By: ulillillia

Changing program information? - 07/24/06 06:02

When you right-click on the EXE file created after publishing, can I, and how can I change some of the "program information" details (from the summary tab on the file's properties)? Are there any legal requirements?
Posted By: jcl

Re: Changing program information? - 07/24/06 08:42

There are no legal requirements, although I do not know of a program at the moment that lets you change that information.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Changing program information? - 07/24/06 08:56

Let's say you want to change program information in Summary tab for wmplayer.exe:

C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\

Right-click wmplayer.exe, choose Properties, and click the Summary tab.

There, you can enter:


Plus there's an advanced button and it also shows source and revision number.
Posted By: old_bill

Re: Changing program information? - 07/24/06 09:06

But it would be a nice addition to have a panel in the publish function,
which let you fill in these fields with custom information for the final exe.

Posted By: jcl

Re: Changing program information? - 07/24/06 09:27

Make a copy of the original acknex.exe in the Gstudio6 folder where you fill in these fields. Then, when publishing, enter the location of the copy in the engine window.

If you change the fields _after_ publishing, the engine will detect this as a virus attack, and will refuse to start.
Posted By: ulillillia

Re: Changing program information? - 07/24/06 09:28

I'm referring to what Grayson is mentioning. Here's two screenshots showing it:

Screenshot #1 - The simple mode
Screenshot #2 - The advanced mode

This is what I'm referring to.
Posted By: old_bill

Re: Changing program information? - 07/24/06 09:34

Its more the Version tab (like WED or the wwmp2bmp.exe has)
which is interesting in my opinion, and this tab can't be manualy edited at all,
but as the exe is just a copy of the local acknex.exe i think this feature
would be hard to implement, but would be still nice.

Posted By: MJR_Corp

Re: Changing program information? - 07/24/06 09:43

It would be nicer if Windows XP made it easier for you to edit things like that. But only if you yourself made it obviously, otherwise you would have any amount of randoms changing the information to suit their own needs. I don't know exactly how microsoft coulds implement such a thing into thier OS but I'm sure they'll find a way
Posted By: old_bill

Re: Changing program information? - 07/24/06 09:49

Normally these information is added during the compiling of the original exe.
But as we have the case here, that the Acknex.exe gets just copied,
this is hard to implement in my point of view.

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