Can't make my terrain visible.

Posted By: khanoftruth

Can't make my terrain visible. - 09/04/06 02:10

I am working on a pretty big project, and my first level is outdoors. The terrain isn't visible, and I need it to be.

You can download the terrain here:

Any help is greatly appriciated. I am just an intermediate user, but i am working on an awesome MP game. I am good at scripting, animation, and design, but I can't get the artistic stuff down. I can make better pictures in paint than in photoshop.
Posted By: D3D

Re: Can't make my terrain visible. - 09/04/06 05:37


I download and tried your terrain, it's working. The reason that you don't see it when you load it from WED preview is because you don't have a player inside your level and the camera might be pointing the wrong way.

You should create a new level in WED, save it, then import your terrain inside WED. Then import the 'player' entity and put it with it's feet on ground. Add A6 templates to your level (map properties) and add player + camera scripts, attach player action to your player model. Compile, save, run & fun. That's it!

Or you could script a static camera that looks in the right direction and put that function inside the main function of your script, so it's loaded at startup. Like this (put your terrain at 0,0,0 in WED):

function MyStaticView()
camera.x = -200;
camera.y = 350;
camera.z = 150;
camera.pan = -50;
camera.tilt = -5;
camera.roll = 0;

function main
// main game function where you load level etc..

All the best,

Posted By: khanoftruth

Re: Can't make my terrain visible. - 09/04/06 13:55

Posted By: khanoftruth

Re: Can't make my terrain visible. - 09/04/06 14:55

I did get it to work, but I don't know how.
Posted By: Lion_Ts

Re: Can't make my terrain visible. - 09/04/06 20:43


black box technology

Posted By: khanoftruth

Re: Can't make my terrain visible. - 09/04/06 22:56

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