imported models

Posted By: ilr

imported models - 09/13/06 11:37

sorry if I post it in worng place
I've made several models in 3dsmax, exported them to milkshape, rexported, etc... everything was ok till...
why if I preview the model in med it looks great, like 3d model
if I preview the level in wed the model looks great too.
but if I compile the level and run it the model looks flat like cartoon? texture is fine, color is ok... but it's absolutely flat!

sorry. new to G6.

thank you
Posted By: Shaque

Re: imported models - 09/13/06 11:56

You say that the TEXTURE is completely flat? I mean... I've never seen a 3 dimentional texture (unless you call a 2D bump map 3D). If it's the model that looks flat, that's just wierd. How do you mean "flat"? As in Paper Mario / steamroller victim flat, or matt black and no texture? If it's black, it's because you didn't specify ambience and shading in the GXL properties of the model's material before you saved it. I'ts a common thing most people overlook.

You know, you don't have to go to all that trouble with 3DS Max to Milkshape to whatever to MED, just import a 3DS model directly into MED. You will get a perfect model import aside from a texture, which you can import at any size anyway, because MED will resize the UV coordinates to fit the texture. (3DGS version permitting, of course. I refer to A6 and above here.) If you don't know how to texture for MDLs, just select to see lines in the skin viewer and export the image as a temporary UV map and colour it in any paint program. After you make a texture, reimport it to MED. (NOTE: some models cannot be imported into WED past, and I'm not 100% sure on the figure, but 65,535 polygons for models. Height maps can be much larger I think, but I made a huge 250,000+ polygon terrain that just died when I import it to WED.)

I know it's frustrating when you feel your work is good and you don't get the results you're after. I hope this helps you.
Posted By: ilr

Re: imported models - 09/13/06 12:22

the texture is alright. it's the model that looks "flat". Yeah. Kind of Mario indeed .
sorry, that's interesting - how and where do you specify GLX properties?
skin settings in med?
I refer to A6 too.
thank you
Posted By: Shaque

Re: imported models - 09/13/06 13:06

To view skins in MED, simply go to the top in the "view" menu and select "skins". This will bring up the texture viewer/editor. You can import/export images from there. To fix the GXL settings, right-click in the 3D view window and press "GXL Properties" then "Advanced D3D Light Settings". From there, go into "Materials" and play around with the sliders until your model darkens a little or lightens. Keep in mind, if you lighten it too much it will be very bright in your game, regardless of sunlight. Trial and error is the only thing I can suggest here. Play with the figures until you find your setting. If you think you have played too much and stuffed your settings, just hit the "Defaults" button and everything goes back to normal.
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: imported models - 09/13/06 13:11

It all depends on the version of Gamestudio that you have. So tell us your version before.

The latest 6.4 has way more features, material options in MED and supports several uv-maps per model. There you can change the way of lighting that even applies in WED.
Posted By: Shaque

Re: imported models - 09/13/06 13:19

As far as I know, what I was referring to here is in all MED versions in A6 and up. I don't know about anything newer than 6.22 as I've been too lazy to upgrade.
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: imported models - 09/13/06 15:25

Shaque: It is way better to upgrade to newer versions:

1) you get more functions
2) more stability
3) you can use shaders
4) you prove us that you are not a warez user (especially when you use 6.22 pro)
Posted By: Shaque

Re: imported models - 09/13/06 15:41

A warez user? Does that mean I may have a stolen copy? I didn't buy it from Conitec, I bought it from someone I used to work with. Oh, my god!! How do I find out if I've got a dodgey copy?

EDIT: I went to try and upgrade at Conitec and I needed to give my password which was supposed to be on my CD. I have checked my CD and I can't find anything that looks like a password. I also checked the price of A6 Pro and it is much, much more than what I payed for it. It appears that I have purchased what may still belong to another person. I did not realise this because I had not heard of 3DGS before 6 months ago. It appears that I am a warez user, (if thats what it's called) but I did not download it illegally. I apologise to Conitec for this and I will no longer use the software. I am only sorry that I found out after such a short time as I was enjoying using the software.

Does this mean that I will be banned from this forum? I mean, now that I have nothing to talk about, I may not have a need to return. I would buy the software if I had a need to create a game so badly, but I really don't and I really cannot afford the pro version. There's no way I could ever use a standard or trial version now I've tasted pro. I am heartbroken now.

EDIT 2: I'm sorry. This reply does not belong here. I should contact Conitec...
Posted By: ilr

Re: imported models - 09/14/06 05:23

I have wed 6.731, med 6.814 and GS commercial 6.40.5, everything purchased from official site.
I think I got a better description of my problem:
the model (human being) doesn't reflect light after level is compiled and run, doesn't cast shadows, though it's textured. will prepare and post a couple of screen shots for better understanding.
Posted By: Blattsalat

Re: imported models - 09/14/06 05:27

can you show us a screenshot of the problem?
Posted By: Michael_Schwarz

Re: imported models - 09/14/06 05:43


A warez user? Does that mean I may have a stolen copy? I didn't buy it from Conitec, I bought it from someone I used to work with. Oh, my god!! How do I find out if I've got a dodgey copy?

EDIT: I went to try and upgrade at Conitec and I needed to give my password which was supposed to be on my CD. I have checked my CD and I can't find anything that looks like a password. I also checked the price of A6 Pro and it is much, much more than what I payed for it. It appears that I have purchased what may still belong to another person. I did not realise this because I had not heard of 3DGS before 6 months ago. It appears that I am a warez user, (if thats what it's called) but I did not download it illegally. I apologise to Conitec for this and I will no longer use the software. I am only sorry that I found out after such a short time as I was enjoying using the software.

Does this mean that I will be banned from this forum? I mean, now that I have nothing to talk about, I may not have a need to return. I would buy the software if I had a need to create a game so badly, but I really don't and I really cannot afford the pro version. There's no way I could ever use a standard or trial version now I've tasted pro. I am heartbroken now.

EDIT 2: I'm sorry. This reply does not belong here. I should contact Conitec...

the password.txt shoule be in your 3DGS Installation directory( e.g.: C:\Program Files\GStudio 6\password.txt )
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: imported models - 09/14/06 07:25

Shaque: No problem. You don't need the pro. You can use the commercial version that also can use materials and shader.
Posted By: fogman

Re: imported models - 09/14/06 08:21

Select the whole model in MED and press "merge". Now you should have a gouraud shaded model. Maybe thatīs the problem, the vertices are not merged.
Posted By: Shaque

Re: imported models - 09/14/06 19:33

I have removed 3DGS from my computer. I won't be using it as I don't believe my copy is original. The person I baught it from will be arrested and I get my money back. In the meantime, I will buy standard, as pro is a little too much for now.
Posted By: Paul_L_Ming

Re: imported models - 09/15/06 01:56


Well, I heavily suggest saving a bit more and buying the Commercial version. With it you have most of what the Pro can if/when your game(s) get to the point where you need/want the specific Pro stuff, you can upgrade to it. I've been using the Commercial version since version 3 or 4 (can't remember).
Posted By: Shaque

Re: imported models - 09/16/06 02:45

I thinkit was fun playing with my bogus version while it lasted and I'm sure the pro version is the one to go for if I planned to make a commercial product. I'm not that good with it, though. I also don't believe I possess the talent of time to go that deeply into game design. Besides, ideas for me change so often that I can never get one single idea down on paper.

I don't really want to join a team, because most of the developers live in Europe, although I have submitted in the Work Wanted section about my music composition and as a result, have had a few people request some for their games. I think I will stick to this for a while and if I whatever money I might make will go to a standard 3DGS. I really don't believe that I will ever make a game, but it's a nice program to learn how to do so.
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