Nexus Question

Posted By: Garrettwademan

Nexus Question - 11/11/06 23:52

I know this may be a stupid question, but running while loops that never end until the game is stopped, does this take up part of the Nexus? Also, when my level first loads, it crashes saying Nexus to small. Could it be just trying to load a bunch of objects at one time and starting the while loop? Could this be fixed by waiting between loading objects? I have my nexus set to 8000 temperarily to find my problem here.
Posted By: adoado

Re: Nexus Question - 11/13/06 10:13

Hmm, not sure....maybe try

max_entities = 2000;

not sure if it helps....
Posted By: Galen

Re: Nexus Question - 01/02/07 22:45

How the heck did you set your nexus to 8000? I can't get it to go past 500...
Posted By: demiGod

Re: Nexus Question - 01/02/07 22:56

It depends on the virtual memory settings on Windows that you have assigned. But the recommended value its around 200.
Posted By: Galen

Re: Nexus Question - 01/02/07 23:07

Ah, virtual memory? Interesting.

So if I increased mine, 3DGS would let me increase the nexus?

I currently have mine set to 500. I have a fairly large level (lots of blocks and entities and models)....
Posted By: demiGod

Re: Nexus Question - 01/02/07 23:13

From the manual:

When you set the nexus in Map Properties, WED uses this command line option to transfer the nexus size to the engine. The default value for the nexus is 40 megabytes. The maximum value is limited by the Virtual Memory Setting in Windows/System, minus around 400 MB that should remain free for the operating system. The current nexus requirement is indicated in the statistics panel and can be read from the nexus variable. A nexus too small for a level will produce a "Nexus too small" error message. The engine must then be restarted with a nexus size higher than that you've used before (e.g. -nx 80 for 80 MB nexus size).

The recommended maximum nexus value for commercial games is 200. Higher values can and will cause engine crashes on various target systems, because several Windows subsystems - including DirectX - tend to crash without error message when the virtual memory is running low.

Posted By: Galen

Re: Nexus Question - 01/02/07 23:14

Hey thanks!
Posted By: Garrettwademan

Re: Nexus Question - 01/22/07 23:07

I set it high, but never used it at 8000. I was trying to make a huge world and I couldn't with the nexus being so low. It seems I cannot have this huge world because of the limitation of the Nexus. A quick overview is the client players have no issue, but the Server needs to know where every single object is, so it can let the clients know. The server had to place trees, rock, items, etc etc.. all over the map, but the Nexus could not handle it. It would be nice to have some kind of solution to it or maybe some more multiplayer commands. I am currently awaiting to see what 3DGS does in the future with multiplayer.
Posted By: FixxeR

Re: Nexus Question - 01/22/07 23:42

Well to be honest, if you're talking about massive multiplayer games (+64 players), it would be better to outsource the client/server networking to a homebrew dll. The Acknex networking system is very good at what it's intended for, but if you're thinking of something larger than standard multiplayer (like an MMO) there are different ways to handle things that are better for larger client bases. Such as removing the dead reckoning system for something simpler. Less precise, but faster. Anyways, this is probably slightly off topic but I saw someone waiting for the 3DGS to "catch up" and handle MMO-like loads. Again, client/server loads of greater that 64 players is just not what the A6 engine was intended for.

Posted By: JazzDude

Re: Nexus Question - 01/23/07 03:29

You can check the size of the nexus by hitting F11 while running the level.
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