Trouble with the .map format in Wed

Posted By: Migueljb01

Trouble with the .map format in Wed - 11/19/06 06:26

Was wondering why when I have my level in the standard .wmp format the geometry looks just like I textured it, but when I switch over and save the same level as .map the textures get all screwed up. Is this a bug or is Wed trying to fight the .map format? No matter what I try the textures wont stay lined up as I have in the .wmp format. Any advice on this would be great. Thx.
Posted By: quasarchangel

Re: Trouble with the .map format in Wed - 11/21/06 13:05

Just for curiosity: What are you using the .map format for?
Posted By: broozar

Re: Trouble with the .map format in Wed - 11/21/06 21:02

maybe because the 3dgs WAD is not the same format as the quake/hl WAD, for which the map format was created if i remember correctly.
Posted By: Damocles

Re: Trouble with the .map format in Wed - 11/21/06 22:32

The Map format is from the mit 90s,
and Wed did some additional improvments/changes.

I rather wonder that the backward compatibility still works. (somehow)

You could also look up the saved map in a texteditor,
to see what was actually saved.
(using a single textured block-level as reference)

And dont use Wed to make maps for the old Quake,
Wed is not ment for this.
Posted By: Migueljb01

Re: Trouble with the .map format in Wed - 11/22/06 04:29

Actually I make the levels/geometry in 3ds max then export it via the max2gs plugin. Then from there I needed a way to get a .map file for torque. I have used gamestudio for sometime now and was just getting to learn torque for levels. I figured out what the problem is the .wmp format doesnt save the texture coordinates. So you have to save you .wmp file as a .map then in that level retexture everything then save as .map and it works for torque.
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