Bones Animation and Puckering

Posted By: Ichiro

Bones Animation and Puckering - 01/11/07 16:45

I notice that a model that looks fine in a neutral pose (left) will sometimes pucker when I actuate the bones more than a little bit (right, white circles). Is there any way around this, or is that just a limitation of bones in general?

Posted By: Excessus

Re: Bones Animation and Puckering - 01/12/07 08:03

This could be improved when multiple bones per vertex are implemented. Untill then, you could try to move the knee joint forward a little, but then the movement may look unnatural..
Posted By: Ichiro

Re: Bones Animation and Puckering - 01/12/07 16:17

Ahh. Thank you.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Bones Animation and Puckering - 01/12/07 16:18

Also adding a few more tris may help, if that solution is viable.
Posted By: HeelX

Re: Bones Animation and Puckering - 01/12/07 16:27

you could do it right in MAYA or so and export it as vertex animation
Posted By: Ichiro

Re: Bones Animation and Puckering - 01/14/07 06:01

Either of those solutions might work.

I suppose a third might be to implement a more intricate animation system (after all, it's possible to get and set individual vertices).
Posted By: CreatorOfMyth

Re: Bones Animation and Puckering - 01/14/07 17:47

Just curious... but was that model made entirely in Med? I know this is off subject, but I'm just wondering.
Posted By: Ichiro

Re: Bones Animation and Puckering - 01/14/07 23:29

Naw; probably Maya or Max. It's available here:
Posted By: CreatorOfMyth

Re: Bones Animation and Puckering - 01/15/07 01:03

Oh... you're not the original author of it. My bad. I was just curious because a friend of mine is trying to learn how to create models for our game with Med, but he's struggling with it. I've been debating whether Med is friendly enough and powerful enough to do the job. I just figured that if that model was entirely Med's creation than Med must be pretty versatile. Her face is absolutely beautiful. Thanks anyways
Posted By: JazzDude

Re: Bones Animation and Puckering - 01/17/07 21:18

I would change it from bones to vertex animation and then correct the vertices where there are puckers.

(First making sure that frame range is unchecked in options.)
Posted By: Ichiro

Re: Bones Animation and Puckering - 01/18/07 01:21

I would change it from bones to vertex animation and then correct the vertices where there are puckers.

Yep. I was just hoping to be able to use bones to animate at runtime. Ah, well. :)
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