Animation - Where art thou?

Posted By: marxist_reloaded

Animation - Where art thou? - 02/20/07 00:20

This is driving me crazy........

I have two MDL7 models which worked fine in v6.3. I've now upgraded to v6.4 and I have a problem. The models open and animate in MED but there is no animation either in the engine preview or in the game.

Any ideas?
Posted By: demiGod

Re: Animation - Where art thou? - 02/20/07 00:39

Try to resave the file, is it vertex or bone animation?
Posted By: marxist_reloaded

Re: Animation - Where art thou? - 02/20/07 01:01

I have tried resaving the model with a different name. Same problem

The model has bones. I have tried converting to point animation. Same problem.
Posted By: demiGod

Re: Animation - Where art thou? - 02/20/07 01:18

I am not sure if there was some change in the way entities behave without no action attached concerning to animation. I have 6.50.6 and in older versions when an entity had no action it cycled all the animation frames, now for some reason it doesnt occour.
So, you are talking about no animation in the engine with or without an action attached. If so, how are you using ent_animate and counters stuff?
Posted By: marxist_reloaded

Re: Animation - Where art thou? - 02/20/07 01:56

Thanks for your replies.

When I place the warlock.mdl in the level it cycles through its animation. My model does not. When I give my model the AIFPS01 Guard action, it perfoms the standing animation, but as soon as it spots the player it moves towards the player gliding along the floor but with no animation. As I said, everything worked perfectly in v6.3.

I am using templates so not using ent_animate directly.
Posted By: demiGod

Re: Animation - Where art thou? - 02/20/07 10:58

Well, i dont use templates but dont forget when you upgrade you need to upgrade manually the templates files too.

It seems there is some problem with your templates animation strings, i dont know if they changed from 6.3 to 6.4 so compare them, i mean the strings used in the templates to animate the model like "wait", "run", etc., must be equal to your model frames names in the mdl file.

Hope it helps.
Posted By: Impaler

Re: Animation - Where art thou? - 02/24/07 10:12

Yeah, I had that problem just a week ago and I think the solution is:
click " convert to points animation" in the edit menu in med. That fixes everything for me.
Posted By: marxist_reloaded

Re: Animation - Where art thou? - 02/25/07 03:24

Thanks for the tip. I already tried that and it didn't work. I've resurrected my version 6.22 and completing my game using that.
Posted By: demiGod

Re: Animation - Where art thou? - 02/25/07 10:19


I've resurrected my version 6.22 and completing my game using that.

Why using 6.22 version if you said that all works with 6.3?
6.22 its a very old version and making your project with that version you will be limited and miss new great features for your game.

I dont see other reasons for your models dont work with 6.4 or 6.5 versions than the fact that you didnt installed correctly the templates or you messed up the models animations.
Posted By: marxist_reloaded

Re: Animation - Where art thou? - 02/27/07 00:23

Thanks. I really really tried to get it working in 6.4, believe me. I have the latest templates, etc. It's not a template issue because the model animates in MED but NOT in the MED engine preview. (My game is just a little thing that doesn't need much functionality and anyway it is nearly finished.)
Posted By: GrayBann

Re: Animation - Where art thou? - 06/07/07 16:09

I have had the same issues that Marxist had. I am looking for a solution still. The animation for stand works but everything else slides.
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