how do i create terrain?

Posted By: harleyb12

how do i create terrain? - 04/09/07 16:33

how do i create terrain in wed? ps drawing a black - white picture in a paint program doesnt work for my comp
Posted By: Thracian

Re: how do i create terrain? - 04/09/07 16:39

Why doesnīt that work? Itīs the simpelst way.
Posted By: harleyb12

Re: how do i create terrain? - 04/09/07 19:31

my win 98 said a file in c:/programs/gamestudio crashed. also i dont have a good paint program i only got 4 colors that work on this black dark gray light gray and white
Posted By: sweetpickles

Re: how do i create terrain? - 04/10/07 14:10

Ok. Here is a good free paint program. Much like photoshop and with tutorials and at least one book commercially available...

Secondly, you create terrain from a bitmap in MED, not WED. When you have created your bitmap, open MED and click "File" at the top left of the window. Click "Import" from the menu that appears. A menu will open to the side of the current one. Select "Import terrain from pic". A load dialog box will open where you can browse to and select your grayscale bitmap.

Here's one I just did...

Then open MED and follow the above procedure. After opening it, I went into the texture manager and changed it around to be a little more presentable for this particular post. Here is the result...

Texture it as you would like and save it as a model. Not that hard, is it?
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