Getting models from 3ds Max into WED with skins

Posted By: SJB

Getting models from 3ds Max into WED with skins - 05/16/07 14:12


I am having a problem with attempting to get models from 3ds Max 9.0 into the WED software. I have tried the 3 exporter plugins for 3ds max indicated on the conitec download page and I have not been able to get any of them to work with Max 9.

The process I have tried is :

Export from Max as .ASE or .3DS
The export I have tested is 2 simple spheres, 1 of them with a bitmap texture that is a 24 bit .TGA, the other with a default Max material.

Import into MED
This model test appears correct (.TGA file looked showed on the model) in the MED software when imported as eithor the .ASE or the .3DS. This is then saved with the Save As.. option under the File menu, creating a .MDL file.

Add Model in WED
In WED a new file was started and the .MDL file placed in the same directory as the .WMP. I went to the Object Menu -> Add Model and chose the .MDL file i created. The sphere test appears, in blue and no skin shows.
I Build the map after placing the test inside a hollow box and Run the Level.
I can see the inside of the box but the sphere test is now there. I have looked at all the option in the properties menu and none of the ones I checked seemed to change the result.
I have also searched these forums and many other tutorials and documentation resources and cannot seem to find anything that details this process.

So my question is,
Is this a correct process to use and I'm just missing a step or setting?
Is this process flawed and I'm supposed to be doing this a completely different way?

Eithor way any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Posted By: sinnlos

Re: Getting models from 3ds Max into WED with skins - 05/16/07 18:41

yes this is a correct process.

What i always do when opening a 3ds in MED is to reload the texture in the skin editor and then save as MDL. (only use a 24Bit-Tga, 32Bit is with Alpha-Channel)

I don't know, why u couldn't see your test-model after u build and run in WED.
The only guess i have is that u were inside the sphere or u had a texture with alpha channel. Click "0" (zero) to unlock the camera and zoom in and out.

i hope this helps


Posted By: jigalypuff

Re: Getting models from 3ds Max into WED with skins - 05/16/07 20:05

uncheck material in wed, use texture only
Posted By: SJB

Re: Getting models from 3ds Max into WED with skins - 05/17/07 12:19

Thanks for the responses,

Looks like the material Alpha setting in the MED Material Settings was set to zero which seemed to be the problem. Also I found that in my tests the spheres were being torn into triangles that resulted in open models, I believe the engine doesn't support this? So i made a new 3dsmax model which had some overlapping parts and it all worked.

Thanks again
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