This ever happen to you?

Posted By: Spector

This ever happen to you? - 07/16/07 20:36

Alright, Im almost in a panic.

Last night I was JUST finishing up my player model, that is sculpting, not texturing, animating, ect, and I had saved, and closed it to do somthing else.
When I was done with that, I opened MED back up and tried to open my model, and it crashed. It said it couldnt run, said it encountered a problem, had to close, and asked if I would like to report the problem to Microsoft, ect.

I was like Ok..Ill give it another shot, maybe it was fluck...or however you spell that. So I tried again, and it did the same thing! I can open it somtimes by saving/transfering it somewhere else. But I after I close and open it agin it will crash. It I know its not MED, cause It opens all my other models JUST fine, but for some reason ever since I applied a texture to it, it will bearlly EVER open it unless I do alot of annoying extra things! And Ive only BEGUN on this model!

Has anyone else ever had this happen to them?
Posted By: Nems

Re: This ever happen to you? - 07/16/07 21:20

A couple of questions which may help sort the prob out.

Is your texture size set to the power of 2?(128, 256, 1024 etc.) his usually pulls up a cautionary error box but not everytime.
Is your texture .bmp or other? MED requires .bmp.
Posted By: demiGod

Re: This ever happen to you? - 07/16/07 21:23

Maybe its MED... who knows? o_O

file -> preferences -> tools
and try to change the video out driver in 2D and 3D views
ex: if it is dx9.dll, change for dx9a.dll
Posted By: JetpackMonkey

Re: This ever happen to you? - 07/16/07 21:48

That stinks! Maybe reinstall MED or try a different version, if really stuck try opening in milkshape (since it can handle mdl) and re-saving it
Posted By: Spector

Re: This ever happen to you? - 07/17/07 18:45


1. I had already checked the texture before I posted. All is well.

2. Its not MED, for EVERY other model works fine.

And the most intriguing? It works just fine now.
I just decided to try and continue, and close it less often. I continued texturing, and decided to export to 3ds, to try and reimport it. BUT, thats ALL I did. I just exported it, and tried to reopen my .MDL file..and it open without problem...I tried it again..and it worked again!

I didnt even really do anything, and its working again! I know I shouldnt complain, but there WAS womthing wrong with mdl..and it may happen to someone else, and they may not be so know?
Posted By: demiGod

Re: This ever happen to you? - 07/17/07 20:44

I have a similar problem a while ago, MED crashed in one file (specially when trying to open the skin editor), but it was openning other mdl files.
After changing the video drivers never happened again.

So, did you checked the drivers or not?
Posted By: Spector

Re: This ever happen to you? - 07/18/07 01:42

Well, no. But it stoped I may later, but right now, I want to finish my model before somthing else happens..
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: This ever happen to you? - 07/18/07 07:29

If MED crashes then it is probably MED. Even if your model file is corrupt then a smart exception treatment should save MED from crashing. Every modern programming language supports exception blocks to catch such problems.

But unfortunately this happens not all the time so you cannot send the model to conitec support.

Strange thing, indeed.

I also experienced some crashes in WED / MED especially when another program created a DirectX / OpenGL instance and I switched back to MED / WED. But this happens when you work with more than one tool.

A crash is always bad and should not happen.
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