Where is template manager?

Posted By: julioDebroy

Where is template manager? - 09/25/07 08:17

I just purchased A7 commercial version and I don't seem to find the template manager, as presented in the description page. Is it part of SED or WED? or where is it? also didn't find anything in the documentation yet.

Posted By: Doug

Re: Where is template manager? - 09/25/07 10:04

WED: File->Project Manager.
Posted By: julioDebroy

Re: Where is template manager? - 09/25/07 12:43

Thanks for your answer, but that was the first place to look for, and it is just not there, I mean, my WED does not have that menu option. An XML file with some template options is there, but not the option. Am sure I downloaded the version indicated in my purchase email, and I uninstalled the trial version just prior to in. My install folder is not program files but "c:\dev3d\3dGameStudio7", and am using vista home ultimate.

I develop programs for windows, PDA and web, so I have a bit of experience. Actually I started with assembler and basic in a brand new TRS-80 if you know what I mean.
Posted By: Tiles

Re: Where is template manager? - 09/25/07 17:43

Open WED, click at File/New Level. Then have a second look at the File menu. Now you can see the Project Manager.
Posted By: julioDebroy

Re: Where is template manager? - 09/25/07 18:08

I did that but I can only see a "there is no main script" message box. When I open the example 10 in the c-script tutorials, I see that there is indeed a project manager, with an "Add" option that has some code to insert from templates. I think it is it. Will study it to see how it works and how to get a project from scratch to use it.

Posted By: Bot190

Re: Where is template manager? - 09/25/07 19:04

you need to add a script first, i haven't used A7 yet but it should be in that same menu.
Posted By: julioDebroy

Re: Where is template manager? - 09/25/07 19:52

Bot190, since am new to GameStudio, I was expecting the menu option to appear with an empty workspace. Now I have experimented that and of course you need a script and a project to work. But since it is not intuitive even for someone with experience in other IDEs, I suggest to Doug to add a little note to his post on this matter, indicating that the option will appear only if you have an open project.
After all, knowledge is for people that need it! When you already know something, a question like this seems kind of obvious.
Posted By: Doug

Re: Where is template manager? - 09/27/07 09:44

We're reworking the entire Template system so it no longer requires anybody to read the manual.
Posted By: LiDoStudio

Re: Where is template manager? - 09/27/07 11:37


I did that but I can only see a "there is no main script" message box. When I open the example 10 in the c-script tutorials, I see that there is indeed a project manager, with an "Add" option that has some code to insert from templates. I think it is it. Will study it to see how it works and how to get a project from scratch to use it.


It's easy to fix, i enter File ->Map properties. Click on button New Script.
Posted By: juggalo10101

Re: Where is template manager? - 09/28/07 01:28

You must also save it first.
Posted By: julioDebroy

Re: Where is template manager? - 09/30/07 01:23

Doug, I actually read the manual but didn't find the aforementioned condition there, at least explicitely. Don't need to be sarcastic. thx for your help.

LiDoStudio and jugalo10101, thanks, annotated, done and working.
Posted By: Doug

Re: Where is template manager? - 09/30/07 14:41


Doug, I actually read the manual but didn't find the aforementioned condition there, at least explicitely. Don't need to be sarcastic. thx for your help.

I didn't mean to come off sarcastic, just letting you know our goals.

To me, "intuitive" means you don't have to open a help file or read a manual. It just works.
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