FBX Export problem. Model facing down.

Posted By: Pedro_Amorim

FBX Export problem. Model facing down. - 10/11/07 01:27

I just posted this on my showcase thread. But i figured this is the better place to do it.

Hi all. I'm having a little issues regarding exporting animation.
Its like this.
I have biped set up on the model and you can see on pic1.
i have a run animation.
i export the scene as an FBX with the settings you see in the image.
Then i import in med (using gs 7.05) using the fbx2006 importer.
I proced to check the bones in the list and take off the convert to points animation.
OK. the model loads. But it is facing downwards.
When i press the animate button. He imediatly takes the animation position.

My question is. . How do i made the model not be facing down?
I want it to be facin forwards like he is on max.
Any idea?

Posted By: cartoon_baboon

Re: FBX Export problem. Model facing down. - 10/11/07 05:46

Maybe it seems slightly ridiculous but have you tried just selecting the model and rotating the screwed up frames 90 degrees (click on the "cogs" button and set the rotation to 45, that way you can get it to turn a perfect 90 degrees)

Hope that works

cartoon baboon
Posted By: Pedro_Amorim

Re: FBX Export problem. Model facing down. - 10/11/07 09:13

Ok, the problem is.. since im using bones animation. (and i want the bones to be exported as well something wrong happens.

here is a pic.

As you can see, i have my model facing downwards and i enter bones mode so you can see the bones in the model.

I proced to rotate him in med 90degrees.
Then i enter bones mode again.. And the bones are in the orginal place. They havent rotated with the model.
When i enter in animation mode. You can clearly see that the model loses integeity. Becomes all distorted.

In the last pic. i tried rotatin the bones 90 degress as well but the results are equal. the animations loses integrity.

Any help?
Posted By: Poison

Re: FBX Export problem. Model facing down. - 10/11/07 11:23

I think it is a bug of the dll or something else.


Poison Byte
Posted By: JetpackMonkey

Re: FBX Export problem. Model facing down. - 10/11/07 12:11

Ugh I had a problem like this too with FBX. Even with the rotate bones command in MED, I was unable to get the whole bound mesh+bones to do it. If and when I did accomplishing something, the whole mesh distorted into this awesome spider thing!

I got around that problem, though, but not using MED to do it. I just rotated the character in my animation application before doing the fbx export, so that she faces the right direction in MED..

Fun fun fun!
Posted By: Pedro_Amorim

Re: FBX Export problem. Model facing down. - 10/11/07 13:34

someone pointed this thread to me.


aparently it seems its a fbx importer bug.

jcl posted a link to the updated fbx importers!

im gonna try this out when i get home
Posted By: Pedro_Amorim

Re: FBX Export problem. Model facing down. - 10/11/07 17:30

Ok, im having the same problem as you guys.
The model imports facing downwards and when i hit the animate button he becomes in its right place.
I tried using the FBX importers jcl posted a couple posts back. and its still the same.
OK. now the fun part.
I tried importing the same fbx in gs 7.0 (med 6.86) and it worked fine but in a diferent way. I.e. THe model is imported and the first frame of the animation is the default position of the model.
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