Limit on model frames in med?

Posted By: Impaler

Limit on model frames in med? - 10/22/07 07:48

Hi everyone!
I'm working on a set of complex WWII animated soldiers in Blender, and I need to know if there is a definite or practical limit on the number of frames that a model can have. Previously I have exported models with more than 150 frames, but what if this one had closer to 500? It is necessary for me to have animations for walking, running, firing, crouching, crawling, throwing grenade, ducking, retreating backward, dying in 5 different ways and reloading. If I can't have a model with this many frames I would have to make several models for the character and morph them to access all the animations, and I really don't want to do that. Also, is the speed of an ent_animate funtion slowed by the fact that the model has hundreds of frames?
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