Template7 (“t7”) public beta release #2

Posted By: Doug

Template7 (“t7”) public beta release #2 - 11/16/07 07:14

t7: rc2 testing is finished (thanks to everyone who tried it ).

t7: "The Final Cut" should be available with the next engine update.
Posted By: Doug

Re: Template7 (“t7”) public beta release #2 - 11/16/07 07:21

So whats new?

Added some fixes to the WDLV (paths should work now).

Minor fixes to "Brain" and "Weapon" CMPs (AI should attack you in Outdoor level...but they are not smart ).

Added "UserInput.xml" and "Display.xml".

Also started the Wiki entry to give you some idea on how things work. A real manual will be released after beta.

As always, give me feedback. Break it, bend it, make it smoke.
Posted By: LarryLaffer

Re: Template7 (“t7”) public beta release #2 - 11/16/07 16:37

I get a crash when trying to run the level, although it worked fine in the first T7 release. Could it be that i'm still using beta 7.07.3b and not 7.0.6?

Quick question, how is the user to edit UserInput.xml, Display.xml and the other xml files? Are you going to implement a GUI inteface in WED later, or will he need to open up the .xml files manually?
Posted By: Doug

Re: Template7 (“t7”) public beta release #2 - 11/16/07 17:54

I'll test it with the latest beta.
Have you tried running it with 7.0.6? When does the crash happen? Any error messages / acklog.txt?

I'm planning on adding a GUI interface for the XML files after I get the bugs out of the DLL (no use writing tools for data that may not work). I'm not sure if it will be part of WED or a stand-alone editor.
Posted By: LarryLaffer

Re: Template7 (“t7”) public beta release #2 - 11/16/07 18:39


Have you tried running it with 7.0.6?

Just did. No dice..


When does the crash happen?

So, main window comes up, everything compiles fine, and when you'd expect to see the app window created, i get a crash window instead


Any error messages / acklog.txt?


Log of A7 Engine 7.06.1 run at Fri Nov 16 20:28:17 2007
Larry Laffer on Windows NT/2000/XP version 5.1 Build 2600
Options myproj.c -nx 30 -diag

App C:\Program Files\GStudio7.06\acknex.exe in C:\Documents and Settings\Larry Laffer\My Documents\t7_proj\
MM mixer opened
DSOUND device opened
DI interface opened
Start Window opened
(c)Conitec . Dieburg . San Diego . www.3dgamestudio.com
A7 Engine - Extra Edition V7.06.1 - Sep 30 2007
Development version
Registered to: Aris Kostakos

Mouse found
SoundMAX HD Audio O opened
MSI NX7900 GT/GTO (NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GT/GTO) pure T&L device 1ff9 detected
D3D device MSI NX7900 GT/GTO (NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GT/GTO) 1ff9 selected..
PATH C:\Program Files\GStudio7.06\code\
PATH images\
PATH includes\
PATH maps\
PATH models\
PATH sounds\
PATH textures\
PATH C:\Program Files\GStudio7.06\templates\t7w_outdoor\
PATH C:\Program Files\GStudio7.06\templates\images\
PATH C:\Program Files\GStudio7.06\templates\includes\
PATH C:\Program Files\GStudio7.06\templates\maps\
PATH C:\Program Files\GStudio7.06\templates\models\
PATH C:\Program Files\GStudio7.06\templates\sounds\
PATH C:\Program Files\GStudio7.06\templates\textures\
PATH C:\Program Files\GStudio7.06\templates\
Compiling MYPROJ.C....... .... .
Running MYPROJ.C.
3 objects
Main started

Could it be that i'm using A7 Extra instead of Pro?(that I imagine you're using..)


I'm planning on adding a GUI interface for the XML files after I get the bugs out of the DLL (no use writing tools for data that may not work). I'm not sure if it will be part of WED or a stand-alone editor.

Ok i see..

btw, irrelevant to T7, but is there any known documentation on writting WED plugins? Any pointers would be appreciated, cause i got nothin
Posted By: Felixsg

Re: Template7 (“t7”) public beta release #2 - 11/16/07 20:35

I think you know but are a new sdk for med and wed
it can be download from beta page
Posted By: LarryLaffer

Re: Template7 (“t7”) public beta release #2 - 11/16/07 21:28

had no idea! thanks
Posted By: rojart

Re: Template7 (“t7”) public beta release #2 - 11/17/07 00:26


So, main window comes up, everything compiles fine, and when you'd expect to see the app window created, i get a crash window instead

I have the same problem Doug, but without any error messages.
However, when I replace only the new t7.dll with old t7.dll then this outdoor level works correctly.
Posted By: Doug

Re: Template7 (“t7”) public beta release #2 - 11/17/07 04:27

Interesting. I'm running it using a fresh install and it works great.

I'm guessing this may be something installed (or not installed) on my PC.
Anybody else getting this to run?
Posted By: D3D

Re: Template7 (“t7”) public beta release #2 - 11/17/07 05:51

Installed A7.06.1 Commercial and copied content of t7_install_r2.zip to GStudio7 directory.

Followed these instructions:
1)Select “File->Project Wizard”
2)Select “Outdoor level” as the project type.
3)Click the “...” next to Project Path and select a folder (e.g. “My Documents”).
4)Give a valid folder name (e.g. “t7 Outside”).
5)The project will be created and loaded. Unfortunately, right now, we have to reload the level before we can do anything (Select “File->1 outside.wmp”). This bug will be fixed shortly.
6)Run the level (no build needed).

Then got the same error display as LarryLaffer showed. Also noticed that with A7.06.1 the t7.dll isn't being loaded.

If I try to run the outdoor project created using A7.06.1 with A7.07.1b/3 (has the first release of t7.dll) it works.
Posted By: Doug

Re: Template7 (“t7”) public beta release #2 - 11/17/07 06:10

I can get this to crash on another machine with an:
"Unhandled exception at 0x00000000 in acknex.exe
0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000000"

Poking around, it doesn't look like the t7.dll is getting loaded, which would explain the error message, but I'm not sure why it wouldn't load.

Shot in the dark, but are either of you running the debug version of d3d9? (Use dxdiag to find out).

Oh, and if you can check which dlls are being loaded, that would be great too. Run with "-diag" flag and look at the resulting acklog.txt. The line "t7.dll opened" should appear after all the "PATH" lines.
Posted By: D3D

Re: Template7 (“t7”) public beta release #2 - 11/17/07 06:18

I'll try and remember a tool called Dependency Walker.

Dependency Walker claim MSVCR80D.DLL is missing if I try to open t7.dll second release. If I open the first release of t7.dll this file is not missing/used.

DirectX version 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904) I have tried -diag and it does not show t7.dll being loaded/opened with A7.06.1 on this computer.
Posted By: Doug

Re: Template7 (“t7”) public beta release #2 - 11/17/07 06:57

Thank you, I figured it out shortly before you did (but my method was *way* ugly...so thank you for the tool link ).

Try downloading the following file and placed in your "acknex_plugins" folder. This should solve the problem, but it will break the AI.

(For the programming geeks out there, the problem happened because I mixed debug and release code in the final build.)


I will fix the AI over the weekend (and hopefully make it less stupid as well ).

Thanks for all the feedback so far, you guys are really helping.
Posted By: D3D

Re: Template7 (“t7”) public beta release #2 - 11/17/07 07:23

Had to wait with test until a backup was made. Tried it now and the new t7.dll is loaded. Only no AI, but you already said so.
Posted By: Doug

Re: Template7 (“t7”) public beta release #2 - 11/18/07 06:38

Okay, the updated t7.dll is there now.
You should now have working AI, death, and some other minor fixes.

(The AI is still dumb as a sack of rocks, but it will shot at you if you step in front of it and wave your arms around...this will be followed by your death ).
Posted By: D3D

Re: Template7 (“t7”) public beta release #2 - 11/20/07 12:23

Just to let you know evertying is working fine here.
Posted By: Doug

Re: Template7 (“t7”) public beta release #2 - 11/21/07 02:51

Good. Onto stage thre: documentation.
Posted By: lionclaws

Re: Template7 (“t7”) public beta release #2 - 12/01/07 03:42

Works great Doug from my end;loads and play smoothly.This approach will be a great addition to A7.Looking forward to the final version...ofcourse,we need to do more beta testing.I didn't experience any error message at all.
Posted By: Frederick_Lim

Re: Template7 (“t7”) public beta release #2 - 12/06/07 05:25

I am making the AI for my game, I tried the t7 template, the AI although is simple but that's what I need.

Can I use the template AI for vehicle enemies with my own ACTION?
Posted By: Nidhogg

Re: Template7 (“t7”) public beta release #2 - 12/24/07 05:04

Hi Doug,
This is the first time I was game enough to try T7 but anyway
i have found a bug.
Don't know if this bug has been fixed yet or not.

Where you have #define display00_force_window_full_const 0 in the
I had to change it to var display00_force_window_full_const = 1;
to be able to get into full screen mode.

So far I love this new template system..
Posted By: Doug

Re: Template7 (“t7”) public beta release #2 - 12/25/07 17:49

Thank you for testing things out.

I've replace all of display.c for version 3 which fixes this issue. It will be released as soon as the next engine update is.

EDIT: Looks like the next engine update is in public beta now. I'll upload the update after I get back (before New Years).
Posted By: qwertzui

Re: Template7 (“t7”) public beta release #2 - 01/06/08 18:15

Just a stupid quenstion:
why i can,t download the new a7 templates?

i use a7 commercial
Posted By: Doug

Re: Template7 (“t7”) public beta release #2 - 01/07/08 16:39

Not a stupid question at all.
I removed the files linked to on this page because we're now testing rc3 in the beta group.

Sorry for not updating this page (fixed now).

You can continue testing t7 if you are part of the Beta Test group, or wait for the next public beta.
Posted By: qwertzui

Re: Template7 (“t7”) public beta release #2 - 01/09/08 19:32

*sight...* mkay....
Thank you Doug!....
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