A7 templates. How many, what does each do, where

Posted By: WolfDreamer

A7 templates. How many, what does each do, where - 12/31/07 17:05


Click together games from pre-assembled game templates. A simple action game can be built in a few hours by following the step-by-step tutorials.

I have the 30 day preview for A7 and updated it to 7.07 with the file and instructions listed at http://www.coniserver.net/ubbthreads/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/807447/an/0/page/0#Post807447

I don't see all the new templates that are suppose to be added. Are they not in yet? When will they be added, and what types of games are they for?

And what is your definition of a simple action game, and has anyone ever made one in just a few hours as you claim on your front page? If its that simple, you should have plenty of examples out there for people to find.

Other than the wonderful RPG template nighthawk did, I don't see anything worth bragging about.
Posted By: RobH

Re: A7 templates. How many, what does each do, where - 12/31/07 17:22

The new templates are still in work and in beta test for the beta testers. At the moment there is an pre-outside level and a blank level template. How it will really work with the "click a game" option only Conitec will knew.

Hope this helps you a bit.
Posted By: Doug

Re: A7 templates. How many, what does each do, wh - 12/31/07 18:30

t7 is still in beta (it should be included with the next A7 update).

You can use t7 to create a simple game in under a minute. And new elements can be added to it with little effort (find model, place model, set values).

Creating a game worth bragging about still takes talent, but 3DGS and t7 makes it a lot easier.
Posted By: WolfDreamer

Re: A7 templates. How many, what does each do, wh - 01/30/08 18:20

My post was in December, thus when I downloaded the demo, and now the demo page says the last release was made in January, so a new one has come out since last I tried it.

Since you said

it should be included with the next A7 update

I'm curious if the A7 templates are there yet?


3DGameStudio Developer
t7: "The Final Cut" should be available with the next engine update.
Edited by Doug (Mon Jan 07 2008 05:38 PM)


Gamestudio/A7 (Version 7.07 - ~50 MB - Jan 2008)
30 days trial version. A7 comes with the lite-C programming language, a fast ABT renderer, atlas mapping, unlimited dynamic lights, unlimited physics engine, dynamic shadows, FBX import, levels-of-detail, unlimited screen resolution, bones animation, 3D line drawing and many more new engine functions. Download the tutorials below for getting started. For updating a full A7 version to the latest release, please read the update instructions.

It doesn't mention the templates.

When you said it'd be there at the next release, did you mean this one? It says the month but not the day so I can't be certain, thus the reason I decided to ask. If that version came out January 1 to 7, before you made the statement, of course its not the one, but if it came out January 8th to January 30th(today), then can I assume the A7 templates are done?
Posted By: Doug

Re: A7 templates. How many, what does each do, wh - 02/01/08 05:17

I was hoping they would be released with the last version, but they've been moved forward to the next.
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