autodesk 3d and wed prob

Posted By: Wulf

autodesk 3d and wed prob - 01/08/08 08:14

creating my models in autodesk 3d and when i import them to Wed they lose they're skin/material or crashes wed all together.

Tried importing into Med first but still losing skin/material/map.

There a fix/way around this? I highly doubt i can get the same appearance on my models using meds mapping.
Posted By: Ready

Re: autodesk 3d and wed prob - 01/08/08 08:15

are they uvwmapped or do you use procedural materials in 3ds?
Posted By: Wulf

Re: autodesk 3d and wed prob - 01/08/08 08:23

not sure? Maybe i'm not mapping them right then.

Here is what I normally do.

I create model, bring up Material screen. I choose Blinn or Metal(these are the two primary types i've been using). I scroll down a little to Maps, and beside Diffuse I click where it says none and change that to Bitmap. The bitmap i choose=the texture file(jpeg). Lastly I assign to object.

I then export the model/scene(and I've tried every format compatible with wed/med). Any ideas? Maybe the way i add my material is wrong?

when i import the model into med it does already have a map, but its way off and gives total different results than autodesk :_(.

here are some examples first 2 photos are Autodesk 3d, third=med.... ><


Re: autodesk 3d and wed prob - 01/08/08 11:48

Jpegs cannot be used as textures and that is why they do not show up in MED.

Here are a couple of hints/solutions.

1) Make sure your textures are power of 2 and are .bmp, .tga or .dds.
2) Make sure the texture filenames are no longer than 8 characters long.
3) Make your model in 3DS Max and apply the textures in 3DS MAX. Then export your model as .3ds and make sure the textures are in the same folder.
4) Open MED and file>import>3DS and select your model. Then a texture dialog will appear. Just press OK/Continue and then the model will load with correct mapping and textures.
5) Finally file>save your model as .MDL and then load it using load entity in WED.

The mapping should properly work on the model now. Never apply mapping using WED or MED > always use a the program you created the model in.
Posted By: Wulf

Re: autodesk 3d and wed prob - 01/08/08 19:12

I changed jpeg to tga. This caused the same results but now for some reason on import it doesn't import one of the arms and it is only keeping a map of one sphere(there should be much more).

Resized image down to 512*512, same results.

I exported this time from Autodesk into .ASE and .FBX and it loaded all pieces with either import, but like before mapping/skin are not correct and model still looks like I made it in med or something(crap). =_(.
Posted By: Ready

Re: autodesk 3d and wed prob - 01/08/08 19:57

you're not mapping your model in max, you're applying procedural textures.
Add a "Unwrap UVW" modifier to your mesh and create a uvwmap. Thats mapping
And besides the standard values (diffusive color, spec, etc) you cannot export procedural materials properly out of max as far as I know

The rest is a matter of good texturing

If you're using max8 or 9, you should try peltmapping.
Its quick&dirty imho but good if you want a real quick map on your mesh
There should be a nice video showing how peltmapping works on the autodesk site in the "new features of max8" section (something like that)
Posted By: Wulf

Re: autodesk 3d and wed prob - 01/08/08 23:52

k i think i mapped it right this time at least everything showed up and such, i ended up changing the texture anyway though.

Was wondering if animation will carry over from Autodesk to MED?
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