Shadows on Terrain

Posted By: DarkWhoppy_

Shadows on Terrain - 02/10/08 02:26

When creating a terrain, and placing it in the level as a model...

Is there a way to draw shadows of entities on it? Or does it have to be in the HMP format?
Posted By: G_Tos

Re: Shadows on Terrain - 02/10/08 12:44

I don't know if this is a good idea, but you can trace the position of the terrainground under the entity and create a tga-shadow-sprite on this place...
Posted By: Loopix

Re: Shadows on Terrain - 02/10/08 15:07

If stencil shadows are enabled, shadows should also work on mdl entities...


shadow_stencil = on;

Posted By: DarkWhoppy_

Re: Shadows on Terrain - 02/10/08 15:23

It worked but Stencil Shadows are a bit ugly... From the models top-most point to the ground there seems to be some "shadow" attached.
Posted By: Nems

Re: Shadows on Terrain - 02/10/08 19:52

Stencils need closed meshes to function without artifacts and they are a big drag on performance.
Posted By: Salva

Re: Shadows on Terrain - 02/11/08 21:17

Create a block the same size as the terrain and place it under the terrain
give it a standard texture, and naturally shaded mode, if the terrain is too big
put more blocks together, to me works perfect..


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