Alternative Animation Software

Posted By: DestroyTheRunner

Alternative Animation Software - 03/14/08 15:13

I have a model done in MED with the .MDL format.
Does anyone know any easy animation software with basic animation(walk, jump..) that i could import my model into?

Posted By: Pappenheimer

Re: Alternative Animation Software - 03/15/08 14:12

Although, I would say that MED is already an easy animation software, there is fragmotion, where you can use a standard bone model and import bvh motion capture files for animation, but it isn't that easy, too, because the complicating thing is to get a proper rigging.
Better try to find out, how it works in MED. I don't know whether there is a good tutorial about animating in MED, though.
Posted By: jmasterx

Re: Alternative Animation Software - 03/17/08 00:00

Is there a way to export an animated model from 3d max into med? Because I have many rigged characters and tons of bhv files but I have no Idea how to use them with Med,
Posted By: broozar

Re: Alternative Animation Software - 03/17/08 01:23

->fbx, the magic file format. this should be a sticky....
Posted By: DestroyTheRunner

Re: Alternative Animation Software - 03/17/08 12:16

well.. problem is that I have A6 standard... it doesnt have bone animation .
And sorry im totally newbie with the expressions: bvh motion, fbx, rigging...?

Im asking this questions about easy stuff or alternative softwares because im doing my game all by myself ( model, level, script, sounds) and Im seaching for easy ways to do stuff(even knowing that the results wont be the best ones).

Posted By: Pappenheimer

Re: Alternative Animation Software - 03/17/08 13:10

You can use the free MED from the GameStudio download site. It has bones animation. You can save a model with bones animations as a model without bones animation, then MED transforms the bones animations into vertex animations. Just save it as .mdl5.
(Attention! Try this first: save a model with the free MED as .mdl5, then open it in the MED of your current A6 version! I'm not sure whether it is compatible. It should work with A6.6, but it doesn't work with A6.34.1 for instance!)

"Rigging" is to connect the mesh of your model with the bones.
(At the other terms search by google, it should be easy to find some explanations.)
Posted By: DestroyTheRunner

Re: Alternative Animation Software - 03/17/08 17:41

ok so.. is it easier to animate with bones?

and i found it in the download section but has this written with it:
"...The free version is not time limited and can publish applications for educational and non-commercial purposes."

My project might come commercial...actually this is the idea...

Posted By: jmasterx

Re: Alternative Animation Software - 03/17/08 17:53

I have A7 Pro and I use 3d max's fbx option and it workms perfect! I use my bip files and export the model as fbx then all textures auto import and everything, fantastic workflow!

PPL seem to have trouble obtaining A7 Pro, if you'd like to know where to get A7 Pro (reged) just email me @ it can be tricky to find, I know...
Posted By: DestroyTheRunner

Re: Alternative Animation Software - 03/17/08 20:07

I see...
well no thanks, i dont wanna to get trouble with copyright stuff.
thanks anyway.
Posted By: testDummy

Re: Alternative Animation Software - 03/18/08 18:04

excessive export process out MED
excessive learning process for animation in Blender (free use, but why not donate?)
see Ventilator -> export -> animation tutorial
Posted By: DestroyTheRunner

Re: Alternative Animation Software - 03/18/08 19:14


As far as i could understand I should learn a lot about blender.. ok thanks IŽll look up for that... and why do not donate? because I cant even afford A6 extra at the moment,but IŽll keep that in mind when I have my own sheep farm and a steady income with the sales from their cotton (or from my current job ).
AND I guess youŽre saying that Ventilator should be someone in the forum who made an animation tutorial... IŽll look up for that too.
thank you.
Posted By: testDummy

Re: Alternative Animation Software - 03/18/08 21:15


free use, but why not donate?

a general premise not directed at any specific party
support type, if within means, and seems appropriate

Blender may have a steep learning curve, but the docs (tutorials) available online can be helpful.
I found them to be helpful.

--Blender quick: take short notes in low mem text editor on key shortcuts etc.

-->achieved 3DGS god status
-->specialty: programming
-->Blender mdl export plugin (python, with source)
--++bones emphasis, but vertex animation export OK?
-->Blender tutorial on animation
-->mdl shadows & multiple UV
-->strong Newton access?
-->Newton Lite-C
-->hates dummies (hypothetical)
Posted By: DestroyTheRunner

Re: Alternative Animation Software - 03/19/08 12:26

ok Ill try that
after I finish animating in blender with bones or whatever, when I export it to MED will it maintain its animation even if my MED doesnt supoort bone animation?
Posted By: testDummy

Re: Alternative Animation Software - 03/19/08 13:43


after I finish animating in blender with bones or whatever,
when I export it to MED will it maintain its animation even if my MED doesnt supoort bone animation?

This is a fair question.

?? = based on memory, probable, possible, confirm
applicable only to later A6 versions?
*MED separate from engine
*the MED (Model Editor .exe) itself supports bones & vertex animation
-1. bone animation just disabled in engine for versions lower than Commercial
-2. can animate with bones in MED without higher version?
-3. export from bone animation to vertex possible from MED,
--a. for use in engine versions lower than Commercial
--b. however, given history,
--b2. I might assume that MED bone to vertex export process is or was faulty

*I would assume that Ventilator's Blender python mdl exporter exports vertex animations
--1. however, there was a large degree of emphasis on Blender bones animation export


My project might come commercial...actually this is the idea...

I suppose, potentially, you could buy a license later when there is more certainty? (applies to free MED, I think)

Posted By: DestroyTheRunner

Re: Alternative Animation Software - 03/19/08 14:11

ok..looks like blender is the way.


I suppose, potentially, you could buy a license later when there is more certainty? (applies to free MED, I think)

If you meant buy more upgraded versions(eg. A7 commercial) yes, but in the future.
Posted By: testDummy

Re: Alternative Animation Software - 03/20/08 14:11

refers to free newer version of MED (A7 - Lite-C?) on download page

"...The free version is not time limited and can publish applications for educational and non-commercial purposes."

My project might come commercial...actually this is the idea...

I believe 'use for commercial purposes' is allowed for the MED application shipped with (older?) A6 standard versions. Perhaps it is implied, if future product licensing entanglements are to be avoided , in some cases, the free newer MED should not be favored over an older version with commercial purposes allowed under license.

However, I suspect, from a possible mention in memory, that the commercial restrictions for the newer free MED might not apply to some entities already holding licenses for certain A6 versions.

Pappenheimer mentioned fragmotion.

Potentially shorter tasks, like experimenting with MED, trying the fragmotion demo first, if such still exists, etc., might be preferable to a related task with an assumed larger cost in time, like 'learning Blender'.
(superfluous commonsense perhaps)
Posted By: DestroyTheRunner

Re: Alternative Animation Software - 03/24/08 00:48

ok ok
IŽve been working with blender in the last 4 5 days, well, the interface stills scares me and the select/moving/rotate stuff I found a bit confusing sometimes, keyboards shortcuts helps a lot though.
I just hope that export works after animating my model in blender, because im having a lot of trouble with blender. lol

and im thinking in trying this fragmotion, hope its easier than blender.
ps. what do you guys recommend for skinning?
Posted By: DestroyTheRunner

Re: Alternative Animation Software - 03/27/08 21:18

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