Animation? (3DS)

Posted By: Julientdc

Animation? (3DS) - 04/06/08 23:13


My friend have made a model (3DS) with 3dsmax studio. He told me that he have animated the model (the wheel, it's a car). Then I import the model in MED and I save it in MDL. But before I check the frame manager and I see only 1 frame, that is normal? How I can see the animation because when I try to play the animation in MED nothing happens.... (I'm a newb with MED.)

Thank you,
Posted By: broozar

Re: Animation? (3DS) - 04/06/08 23:35

3ds does not support animation. however, ask you friend to export a sequence of 3ds files that include the motion, you can iort that as motion in MED.

however, for cars, making wheels turn via animation is a no-go. get into the 3dgs physics engine, and make them turn by script.
Posted By: Julientdc

Re: Animation? (3DS) - 04/07/08 00:43

"make them turn by script"

do you have a tutorial to do that?
I have never animated something before...
Posted By: Quad

Re: Animation? (3DS) - 04/07/08 07:09

i also prefer doing it with scripts,
but if you want animations, you mat try fbx import/export
Posted By: broozar

Re: Animation? (3DS) - 04/07/08 22:05

no, i have no tutorial. but if you are willing to try newton game dynamics, it comes with a complete and ready to run car example. (at least it was the last time i checked it, it was in a6 times then, this one is lite-c).
Posted By: Masna

Re: Animation? (3DS) - 04/07/08 23:52

I don't know exactaly how to turn wheels but the 10th Lite-C workshop teaches you about rotating objects. You can download them here:

Hope that helps,
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