DDS textures are weird in WED

Posted By: erbismi

DDS textures are weird in WED - 05/28/08 16:45

Hello. I decided to use dds textures for my project instead af bmp, cos theyre way smaller. However, when i add them to my wad, its fine, but when i actually apply them to a block its just a single colour, or a very vague blurr of colours. I tried using DXT1 and DXT3 compressions, and they both do the same thing. Can anyone help?
Posted By: erbismi

Re: DDS textures are weird in WED - 06/07/08 14:56

OMGWTFBBQ! surely im not the only one to have stupid problems with dds textures
Posted By: ventilator

Re: DDS textures are weird in WED - 06/07/08 14:57

i also noticed this and reported it in the beta forum. it's a bug.
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