3dsmax to fbx to med, animation done with cloth simulation,error

Posted By: Enduriel

3dsmax to fbx to med, animation done with cloth simulation,error - 08/20/08 15:04

I've posted this in ask conitec before, but I thought maybe some users might be able to answer/help me with this aswell so I post it here aswell

I've been testing the cloth modifier in 3ds max and created this for only testing animation purposes:

Youtube link to movie

Now my problem is, whenever I import the fbx (that I exported from 3dsmax 9) only the pole is animated and the cloth doesn't have it's animation. After the cloth simulation in max, I did press "Set keys" to set the keyframes in the timebar for every frame so it's not a simulation anymore but an animation, so basicly it's a 350 frames animation with every frame keyed.

But the animation doens't work.

Here is the 3ds max 9 file, also FBX files of 200608 and 2005:

The purpose of this is to add a cape/cloak to a Holy Knight and use simulation to animate his cloth when doing the walk/run/fight animations. If anyone can make this work/help me out in some way, I would appreciate it alot.
Posted By: Volund

Re: 3dsmax to fbx to med, animation done with cloth simulation,error - 08/23/08 02:38

Are you using biped and bones in the same model (biped body, bones cape). If so A7 doesnt support this [having both] as far as I know. Instead try "making wings" and connect them to the spine which would be the capes base.
If that isn't the problem let me know since I also have max 9.
Posted By: Enduriel

Re: 3dsmax to fbx to med, animation done with cloth simulation,e - 08/23/08 10:07

Thanks for your answer, but I've allready fixed the problem by exporting the scene as ASCII and importing it in med :),

and the cloth is neither of those you said, it's a cloth modifier simulation which I then set the keyframes on the timebar of the simulation.
Posted By: Volund

Re: 3dsmax to fbx to med, animation done with cloth simulation,e - 08/23/08 20:19

ohhh..... I havent played much with the cloth modifier, sounds like something to look into if the engine supports it. Did you have any issues with the render in the engine?
Posted By: Enduriel

Re: 3dsmax to fbx to med, animation done with cloth simulation,e - 08/28/08 13:13

Nope no issues, since when you export it as 3dsmax ascii scene export it converts it to point animation or vertex animation.
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