Level will not run after compiling

Posted By: Leon_Kennedy

Level will not run after compiling - 09/01/08 21:14

Good afternoon all! I apologize in advance if this question has already been asked and answered.

I am new to GameStudio, as well as creating games. I have GameStudio Pro 7.05/WED v6.8291. I am working through the tutorial that is posted on the web, and I get to the part about compiling and running the level (well, the house, but go with me on this). So I compile the level just fine, and then I attempt to run it. When I click the "run" button, I get a screen with the following information in it:

first.wmb -nx 30

First is the name of the project, and I understand the nexus switch with 30 mb. So I click ok, and watch it.... not run. What? When I attempt to run the level, it looks as if the engine is going to produce a window with my level in it, but the window closes almost immediately.

Looking at the tutorial, it says that some people may have problems, and to set the Video Out to GXLBASE.DLL. I tried that, and I get the same thing - it appears that it will run, but the window closes immediately.

Here is what I have tried so far:

Running without the nexus switch
Changing the video out to EVERY option available
Adding a light source (even though the tutorial doesn't state to add one)

Can someone help me here? I love the ease of WED, and am a C programmer by trade (meaning that Lite-C should be a breeze for me when I get that far). I can't wait to get some of these ideas out of my head, but I can't get past this part. Does anyone have any ideas as to why I cannot get the level to run?
Posted By: Angelus1818

Re: Level will not run after compiling - 09/02/08 00:59

I'm having the exact same problem! I even posted it here! (Not flaming you for posting to) Anyway I belive i know the answer!!!

You need to assighn a script to it from SED. I don't know what or how but thats the prob. Ask jpextreme on the forums here. He's actually going to write a PDF for me on how to do this...i think I would hold out for that, unless someone knows whats going on here, i'm shooting in the dark.

Good luck to you and if someone knows a fix please share!!!!!


You have the forbidden copy of Gamesudio!!!!

Did..you..pay for it? sorry 7.05 was the beta version on the P2P network, that could very much be your problem as well as it's very buggy!!!! If you did pay email Conitech and ask for a real copy, they'll be glad to help if your legit. However i do not recommend talking to them if you got through a Torrent!!!!

Sorry to be so forward here....I'm really sorry to acuse of that it's just suspicious when someone has a 7.05 edition is all. My apologize in advance.
Posted By: cro_games

Re: Level will not run after compiling - 09/02/08 01:22

Try to create "game.c" file in the same folder as the level file and add this code to it:

#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>

function main()

Run level from SED.
Posted By: Leon_Kennedy

Re: Level will not run after compiling - 09/02/08 01:38

Thank you so much! I added the script as game.c, set main to that function (in SED), and then ran it in SED. I should be able to continue with building and reviewing my levels now.

Furthermore, I wanted to say that I created an EXE after my initial post, and I could run the EXE and see what I had created (although I had no movement scripts, so I couldn't move around!).

But thank you for the help. That worked! Now I just have to keep SED and WED open at the same time.
Posted By: Leon_Kennedy

Re: Level will not run after compiling - 09/02/08 12:27

I have one more question on this topic. When I run the level in SED using the provided script, I cannot move around in the level. I know that I have to set a movement script to the level, but the tutorial doesn't talk about that. In fact, the tutorial states that you should be able to move around and look at everything.

How would I set a movement script to the level in WED so that I can actually move around in there? Does the 2nd Game Design tutorial cover this?
Posted By: cro_games

Re: Level will not run after compiling - 09/02/08 20:17

Np man..
Originally Posted By: Leon_Kennedy
Now I just have to keep SED and WED open at the same time.

You can add script file to the WED, go to:
File->Map Properties

Originally Posted By: Leon_Kennedy
I have one more question on this topic. When I run the level in SED using the provided script, I cannot move around in the level. I know that I have to set a movement script to the level, but the tutorial doesn't talk about that. In fact, the tutorial states that you should be able to move around and look at everything.

How would I set a movement script to the level in WED so that I can actually move around in there?

Add this code in "function main()":
def_moveset(); // default camera movement

Posted By: Leon_Kennedy

Re: Level will not run after compiling - 09/02/08 22:12

Added the code to game.c in SED - works brilliantly when running through SED.

Went to File -> Map Properties, and I don't see game.c as an option. I selected the option A6_Template_Project, and now the window loads in WED. But there is still no movement? Do I need to do something in SED to allow WED to see the script I wrote?
Posted By: cro_games

Re: Level will not run after compiling - 09/02/08 23:51

No..You need to add "game.c" to WED:
(Remove that script with "red X" icon and click on "Choose Script"
icon,find and select "game.c")

Posted By: Leon_Kennedy

Re: Level will not run after compiling - 09/03/08 11:38

Wow, am I a noob on this. And I am smarter than this - I should have been able to figure that out on my own. Thanks for the advice. I did what you said, and now things work fantastically.

Still have one question, though. When I have first.c (or is it first.wdl?) assigned as the script, I have no movement in WED. However, if I load the script first.c (or is it first.wdl?) in SED and run, I have movement. Why is this? Why would I be able to move in SED but not WED?

EDIT: Thought of another question. Once I am all done with the tutorials and start working on my own games, I am going to modify game.c to state "game_name" instead of "first". So I can then use that script in WED, which is no big deal. But, when I am all done, do I need to change the script over to game_name.c before distribution?
Posted By: Angelus1818

Re: Level will not run after compiling - 09/03/08 13:50


First off Leon_Kennedy I am so sorry that I accused you of piracy, that was wrong of me. I apologize for it. Also are you on the Silent Walk forums? Or is it just someone with the same username. Someone with your user name just registered there. Thats a fun site, great people, like this one. Well I hope you can forgive me smile


I am having some trouble still making my levels run. I made the script file with the code you provided (with movement code) but in wed it says it fails to load game.c! I assigned it to to WED through the Map Properties so I have no idea whats wrong. All I can think of is that I pasted the movment code inside the () part of the function.main code. Does it go in there the () part or at the very end beside it? This is what my code looks like now:

#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>

function main(def_moveset(); // default camera movement)

Notice the line "def_moveset(); // default camera movement" is nestled inside function main's () is this what it should look like?

#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>

function main()def_moveset(); // default camera movement

Now notice it's beside it. Which way is correct? Or is either of them correct?
Sorry i'm such a n00b here. Thanks for your help in advance.

And LeonK,

I'm sorry I don't know the answers to your questions frown
Posted By: Leon_Kennedy

Re: Level will not run after compiling - 09/03/08 16:11

Angelus -

No worries on the accusation. I actually got this as a gift from someone I know, so I technically didn't pay for it. This person knows that I am trying to write games, and figured that I could use this. I normally don't ask questions when my buddies give me stuff (cuz they are usually legit), but I will ask him about this seeing as .05 is supposed to be a beta version.

As far as being on Silent Walk - yes, that's me. I downloaded the trial version last night to see what it looks like, and play around with it. I need to run through the manual so I can see how things work (cuz my playing with it wasn't the greatest), and if I like it I'm gonna purchase the full version and get started. But don't hold your breath on that - I didn't exactly like what I saw so far in the trial version. Yeah, it's easy to set up the terrain and walls. But the weapons? Need to read the manual first.

(As an aside to the above, I am thinking about just sticking with 3DGS at this point. I'm used to WED, and will run through a few more tutorials on SED and MED. But 3DGS is good so far, so I'll probably stick to this.)

As far as your question on def_moveset, your main function should look like this:

function main()

This is how I have my main function in game.c, and it works beautifully. Try setting up game.c like the above and see what happens.
Posted By: cro_games

Re: Level will not run after compiling - 09/03/08 20:01

Originally Posted By: Leon_Kennedy
Wow, am I a noob on this. And I am smarter than this - I should have been able to figure that out on my own. Thanks for the advice. I did what you said, and now things work fantastically.

Still have one question, though. When I have first.c (or is it first.wdl?) assigned as the script, I have no movement in WED. However, if I load the script first.c (or is it first.wdl?) in SED and run, I have movement. Why is this? Why would I be able to move in SED but not WED?

EDIT: Thought of another question. Once I am all done with the tutorials and start working on my own games, I am going to modify game.c to state "game_name" instead of "first". So I can then use that script in WED, which is no big deal. But, when I am all done, do I need to change the script over to game_name.c before distribution?

1.I think that you have bug in wed..Which version of 3DGS do you have?
2. .WDL is C-scripts programming language;
.C is Lite-c programming language;
3.When you "Publish" the game,".exe" will have the same name as in this case "game_name.c"(main game script file);

Originally Posted By: Angelus1818

First off Leon_Kennedy I am so sorry that I accused you of piracy, that was wrong of me. I apologize for it. Also are you on the Silent Walk forums? Or is it just someone with the same username. Someone with your user name just registered there. Thats a fun site, great people, like this one. Well I hope you can forgive me smile


I am having some trouble still making my levels run. I made the script file with the code you provided (with movement code) but in wed it says it fails to load game.c! I assigned it to to WED through the Map Properties so I have no idea whats wrong. All I can think of is that I pasted the movment code inside the () part of the function.main code. Does it go in there the () part or at the very end beside it? This is what my code looks like now:

#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>

function main(def_moveset(); // default camera movement)

Notice the line "def_moveset(); // default camera movement" is nestled inside function main's () is this what it should look like?

#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>

function main()def_moveset(); // default camera movement

Now notice it's beside it. Which way is correct? Or is either of them correct?
Sorry i'm such a n00b here. Thanks for your help in advance.

And LeonK,

I'm sorry I don't know the answers to your questions frown

function name()

Right code:

function main()//main function
level_load("first.wmb");//load level
wait(3);//wait for 3 ms
def_moveset();//move camera

Posted By: Angelus1818

Re: Level will not run after compiling - 09/03/08 22:57

Ok I made progress, I think :S

I forgot to rename the wmb file to the name of my wmb file. In your example it was geared twords LeaonK. But my level was not named "first" it was named S1L1.
So in the script I changed the line where it said "first.wmb" to S1L1.wmb, but I get the same errors as if I run it through wed itself.

Can't open wmb file

And something else I am blanking on right now....But the main one is that it does not run. It just says that then closes. It is very frusterating. Any help would be great, you've been wonderfull cro_games.

BTW I'm running 3DGS Extra 7.10 if that means a thing. If that is wrong I'm at the latest version is all.

And LeonK,

As much as I love Silent Walk you should know somethings...

Trust me here I have over 250 posts there laugh

1: Zoltan the developer of SW has stopped development, because people have been using key gens on his software and hacking pay pal to get it. So you can't buy it anymore.

2: It uses DX7 frown this is horrible beacuse the graphics suck with the games we make with it. Ohh well though the good news is a coming!

3: It can only be used for FPSs frown

4: He, Zoltan is making new software called P3D (Plutonium3D) it will be 100 times better than SW2 and guess what...FREE!!!! And it just might use DX8.1 or 9.0!!! W00t!!! So Hold tight for that beacuse SW was one of the most amazing game builders i've seen as far as level building in 3D. I loved the "drag and drop" approach in 3D. P3D will be just like that.

But I agree, 3DGS is much better than anything else i've come across. If you atleast have the Commercial edition you can get all these plugins and stuff. The graphics can get so goood with plugins like Boh_Havoc's Shade-C Coming out really soon. Look on youtube for "valley shace-c test scene" you won't belive what 3DGS can do!!!

Anyway I can't wait to get started here once I can test my levels i'll be so happy!!! Nice talking with ya!!!!
Posted By: cro_games

Re: Level will not run after compiling - 09/03/08 23:27

You need to see do you have "S1L1.wmb" file in game folder,if you don't,you need to compile level,and if you don't get "S1L1.wmb" copy the neme of the ".wmb" file that you do have in game folder and add it in this code:

#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>

function main()

Script file needs to be "name.c" and not "name.wdl"..
And try to run game from SED first.
Posted By: Angelus1818

Re: Level will not run after compiling - 09/04/08 11:53

Wow, I must be a n00b at heart. I'm stil getting errors.

"can't open S1L1.wmp"

"can't open level"

hmmm....I don't know what game folder your talking about. My comp. probly has about 20 folders named "game". So that might be the issue. But I coppied your code. Then eresed where it said "First" and made it say S1L1. (Keeping the wmb part)

And yes I copiled it in WED as well. I don't know whats wrong here. But i'm sure you do! Thanks a bunch it really is so nice of you to help!
Posted By: Leon_Kennedy

Re: Level will not run after compiling - 09/04/08 14:47

Angelus -

Do the following, and this should take care of your problem:

1. Create a new folder called "My Game" in the directory c:\program files\GStudio7\work.
2. Open SED, and open up the script "game.c".
3. Save the script in the new folder you created.
4. Open WED, and open up the level that you are working on.
5. Click on File/Map Properties, and set the script to be "game.c" from the new folder.
6. Save the level in the new folder you created.
7. Compile the level. This should automatically compile it in the new directory.
8. Run the level in WED.

If you continue to get errors after this, post them here.

(Listen to me - 1 week with the program and I sound like an old pro at this.)
Posted By: cro_games

Re: Level will not run after compiling - 09/04/08 19:59

Change the name of "S1L1.wmp" file,to "level.wmp" and than compile.
You can save project in any folder,and you can run it from SED.

Posted By: Angelus1818

Re: Level will not run after compiling - 09/04/08 23:10


More errors!! I thank you both for the extensive help but it's just not working.

When I selected "game.c" in wed it said "can't open game.c" And I whent on anyway but when I ran I got nothing but A black screen!!! AHHHH!!!!

So frustrating! I want to get started on my games! Thanks in advance for further help guys, I know i must be a pain frown
Posted By: cro_games

Re: Level will not run after compiling - 09/04/08 23:29

Download this .rar file,extract folder from it,open "game.c" that is in folder and go on run..

Posted By: Angelus1818

Re: Level will not run after compiling - 09/05/08 13:35

Well it worked.....the test game that you sent me. I saw "Rudie" falling over again and again, I was able to move around and the screen was not black at all, and there was visible lighting. I have come to conclude it is an....Operator error on my part lol. Although you probably knew this already. Thanks for the test level as I know my Game Studio is not F'd up now. But now I feal like a complete dunce. So it's good and bad. Well what do I do now? lol sorry man you must be as frustrated as I am right about now. Trying to explain this to someone who just can't get it right. Thanks so much for all your help, both of you, it means alot.
Posted By: cro_games

Re: Level will not run after compiling - 09/05/08 21:03

No problem man,I'm calm man.. wink and you are not so bad..
How old are you to guys?
Posted By: Angelus1818

Re: Level will not run after compiling - 09/05/08 23:07

I'm only 16, just turned 16 actually less than a month ago laugh

I'm pretty sure LeonK is older than that though, he seems like it anyway.

So cro_games how old are you? I'm guessing somewhere in between 18 or mid twenty's you seem very together and mature, but you could just be responsible for your age. Anyway Do you know what i'm doing wrong with my GameStudio? You seem like a pro, any more ideas? Thanks man and i'll see ya around!
Posted By: cro_games

Re: Level will not run after compiling - 09/05/08 23:51

I'm 17..you can zip/rar the project folder and send it to my e-mail,so that I can see what is the problem..or contact me over msn..yes,cya..
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