Newbie needs help with downloaded model

Posted By: sfzapgun

Newbie needs help with downloaded model - 10/06/08 19:48

I downloaded this "Enterprise" model:

and was able to import it into WED and MED, but when I compile it into my level I get error messages.

when I try to engine preview in MED, I get
error E1308:

"ENTERPRISE.MDL; Bad Mesh size (.64k faces)"

when I put it in my WED level, and compile, I get the same message.

Also, the top of the saucer and part of the lip of the saucer's edge is black.

Can someone take a look at it and tell me how to fix it?
I realize if i change the mesh the skins probably won't fit, right?

My experience is limited so far, but I would like to use this in something in the future. Thanks for any and all advice.
Posted By: Nidhogg

Re: Newbie needs help with downloaded model - 10/07/08 02:07

Reduce your model to below 64k faces. You can do this in MED.
Posted By: falagar8

Re: Newbie needs help with downloaded model - 10/07/08 02:35

hey thanks sfzapgun.

I'm going to download the model.
I really like the Star Trek series.

if you don't already know
here is a link to a lot of quake2 models:

and here are:

Astro Boy

Xenon the Alien

and Wolfie, the Werewolf
and sung to the tume of Rob Zombies
More Human Than Human

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