Help! Map compiler closes by itself(crash)

Posted By: jpxtreme

Help! Map compiler closes by itself(crash) - 11/11/08 00:27

Hello, I downloaded a trial version of A7 7.50. My level is composed mainly with blocks and I do have some models in it. The reason that I used blocks mainly in the buildings so that It could have light shading in it. It was compiling fine before but after I try working and building my map and when I try to compile, when the 'building lightmaps' appears or after the nexus reaches 0 that's the time it will crash, microsoft error report or something like that.

I wanted to know if there is a workaround for this? I used simple mode, with 'create meshes' on and lightmap scale to 13, and also the visibility calculations to on. My errors is only 'vertex out of plane'. But I noticed when I set the lightmap scale to 0 the compiling finishes fine. But I want to have some better lighting to my map so I need to set it to 13 or more.

My computer specs is a core2duo 2ghz, 2gig of ram, 256mb onboard video Intel X300. Running on windows XP sp2, and btw it's a laptop.

Can anyone please explain why is this happening? everything went smoothly before this. I really wanted to have a crash-free compiling.

If anyone also experienced this issue and managed to solve it please don't hesitate to share it. I need to get this working sooner before deadline time. I really need your help. Thanks!
Posted By: jpxtreme

Re: Help! Map compiler closes by itself(crash) - 11/11/08 13:02

can you at least explain the possible causes that makes GS crash?
Posted By: laugheazy

Re: Help! Map compiler closes by itself(crash) - 11/23/08 04:00

From what I've seen in the past, save your project folder, move it to desktop, and do a fresh install. A file or some files may have become corrupt. Then when you are done re-installing, move your project folder back.
Posted By: jpxtreme

Re: Help! Map compiler closes by itself(crash) - 11/24/08 12:19

thanks for responding, i already did a fresh install but the problem still persist. It seems that map compiler doesn't want to have a level made mainly with blocks. I guess the compiler cannot process huge level of blocks as if it has it's limit because when I delete some portions of my level it will build fine but when I try to add some building blocks it will crash when compiling. I hope somebody will give me an explanation why and hopefully a solution. So I have no choice but to split my map into two. have a nice day!
Posted By: Ottawa

Re: Help! Map compiler closes by itself(crash) - 11/26/08 00:07


Do you have a big sky cube around your bloks?

Ottawa smile
Posted By: jpxtreme

Re: Help! Map compiler closes by itself(crash) - 11/26/08 13:28

hello ottawa,

Thank you for replying, I hope you could be able to help me solve this problem. Do you mean a huge hollow block cube? Correct me if I'm wrong. Actually, I don't have it in my map. Could you kindly explain to me what's the difference of having a skycube and not having it? Does it affect the map compiler in such a way? I need to know what's the cause of this. Thanks.

Posted By: Ottawa

Re: Help! Map compiler closes by itself(crash) - 11/26/08 23:43

Hi jpxtreme smile

Oh yes. You need a huge hollow cube around your world.

Start with the default texture for this hollow cude. Make sur that
everything is inside.

The calculations need a limit...they need to know where the univers ends. smile
When you complile the game you should not get any error messages
like leeking...

Ottawa smile
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