Am I alone?

Posted By: MutantCel

Am I alone? - 11/14/08 19:04

Am I the only person who cannot get the templates to work? I use A7 Commercial.

If anyone can tell me how they work, please let me know.

Boy I feel dumb asking this.
Posted By: Quad

Re: Am I alone? - 11/14/08 19:10

if you are trying to make a5 templates run, download updated template files from download page(A5 templates for a7 users)
Posted By: LarryLaffer

Re: Am I alone? - 11/14/08 21:01

You shouldn't feel dumb, the a7 templates (aka T7) are currently incomplete, hardly documented and generally not used very much.. So, actually you could be the only person trying to work with them..

The story behind T7 is, Doug started on a new template system where the main code was written in c++ and you got a few main functions in lite-c that would make your life easier. Also, you'd get panels in WED that would store information in .xml files, so you wouldn't have to write code at all. Now the thing is, Doug doesn't work for conitec anymore and the templates have been passed over to George (from the AUM magazine). But until we get some live signals from T7, I'd hardly recommend it for your project..

Your best bet right now would be with the a6 templates. They were a much more complete system and also feature customizable panels so you wouldn't have to write code for them. As for documentation, you could start reading all the AUM issues from last year, each one featuring an article on them. The only real disadvantage about a6 templates is that they are all written in c-script, and although your a7 commercial edition will still support that, it's still a language of the past..

About the a5 templates, I haven't used the new version that quadraxas mentions but maybe they could be better for you if you're willing to do some c-script coding but just don't know here to start. Unlike a6 templates, there's no way to customize them outside SED and they only offer the bare basics like controlling the player, a very dumb AI and maybe some weapons. On the bright side, that could be helpfull if you're a programmer since the A6 templates were a bit more daunting if you ever wanted to modify them.

Btw, all three template versions are already installed to your gamestudio. To get started with the a6 ones just go to File->Map properties->New Script->A6_template_project and then go to File->Project Manager to customize them.
Posted By: MutantCel

Re: Am I alone? - 11/15/08 23:43

Thank you. I Got the A6 template going but alas, I am not good enough with this to put it together!

I am off to read the AUM as suggested
Posted By: MutantCel

Re: Am I alone? - 11/26/08 20:51

OK, I am not as good at coding as I thought. Is there a FPS demo I can modify similar to the carlevel project? I have been modifying that one for my class and want to do characters. I am thinking of moving over to Unreal Tournament but I really want to give A7 a chance. I have spent a year on it.
Posted By: LarryLaffer

Re: Am I alone? - 11/26/08 21:23

Usually I don't advertise, but you might want to take a look at the product from my signature. You'll need to fork 40 euros on top of what you've paid for A7, but you'll be making games like this, instead of coding. In the downloads section you can find 2 FPS demos, one made with Copper (the version that is available) and the other with Platinum (under development).

Posted By: Oxy

Re: Am I alone? - 11/26/08 22:04

Your Mothers Den Demo stops the installation whenever the screen resolution is not high enough, although mine is 1680x1050 ....
Why did you make the installer do that?
Posted By: LarryLaffer

Re: Am I alone? - 11/26/08 22:25

Mother's Den was made about 3 years ago and at the time not many people had widescreen resolutions. I had to force 1280x1024 when you played Mother's Den because Intense X at the time had a few problems with re-scaling panels to work for other resolutions (it works fine now). So, if your monitor+gfx card supports 1280x1024 then the installer should let you go through..

I should really update that Mother's Den demo at some point.. But anyway, if you can't play the demo here's a video showing many scenes from it:

Posted By: Matt_Coles

Re: Am I alone? - 11/27/08 13:23

I recommend the AI pack, it's definitely worth your money and pretty much the only means of making a good shooter without much code at the moment
Posted By: MutantCel

Re: Am I alone? - 11/27/08 20:44


Your tools are obviously very good but who is doing your character models and animation? I do not mean to be too brutal but a good tool needs good media to make it look good.

Can we work together? Or can I work with the person responsible for the characters? I am a teacher now but I have worked on some games in the past and think I still have an eye for what is good. I don't know. I have not made anything too cool in A7 to brag but I do have a few games under my belt in other environments. My resume is Here and my demo material is here .

I am sorry if I insult you with this post. It is not my intention. I see a need for my brand of media quality to go with a great tool, I HAVE to say something.
Posted By: LarryLaffer

Re: Am I alone? - 11/30/08 13:34

Hi again MutantCel,

The character models for Mother's Den and our Model pack was modeled and animated by Andvari, a regular around these forums. What is it in detail that you didn't like about the models?(mesh,texture,animation,render quality, all of the above :P ).

I'm not sure if I'm up for replacing/adding to our model packs (I'm kind of running out of budget..), but I'm sure there will be work again in the future. If you want to drop me an email at LLaffer AT with your rates I'll make sure to keep you in mind. Make sure to include animation prices, since every Intense X model comes with about 2000 frames of animation.

Posted By: laugheazy

Re: Am I alone? - 12/03/08 05:07

Wow Larry. Im impressed. Gona have to purchase all you got now! DOnt mean to break topic.
Posted By: sadsack

Re: Am I alone? - 12/17/08 19:08

I have A7.06.1, will your program work with that 3D game stuido program?
thank you
Posted By: LarryLaffer

Re: Am I alone? - 12/19/08 12:45

Hello Renny,

Intense X Copper needs A7.60 or later to run. See this page for more info on the current version.

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