sky box ?

Posted By: AlbertoT

sky box ? - 12/14/08 11:21


I am developing a rpg game
Sky is not strictly necessary

The compiling time for my map with and without the sky box is substantially different (with a factor k = 10)

FPS is about the same

Light and shadow effects are also different even though position and direction of the sun are the same
Better with sky box , in my opinion

The question is
Is the sky box alwayes needed ?

Common sense would say
Add a sky box, just in case the sky is visible in your game , but apparently both the manual and comparative test , disagree
Posted By: JazzDude

Re: sky box ? - 12/30/08 21:03

I wouldn't use a skybox where it isn't necessary. I haven't been able to discover any advantage in that case, and I have noticed better frame rates.
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