Exporting image of skin mapping in MED

Posted By: Michael_McCrickard

Exporting image of skin mapping in MED - 05/17/09 15:18

Is there no way to export the image of the skin mapping in MED? Not the list of vertices (the .txt file) but the actual image of the vertices and edges created when you do the mapping? It seems like the "Export image" function in the Skin Editor should do this, but it only exports the texture itself. And you can already do this under Manage Skins, so it seems like you should be able to export the image of the lines and vertices in the editor. Can you?
Posted By: Quad

Re: Exporting image of skin mapping in MED - 05/17/09 15:45

i select all potygons and use fill selected in skin editor, it paints edges on the texture, then i export it.
Posted By: slacer

Re: Exporting image of skin mapping in MED - 05/17/09 15:48

One way would be to open the skin in the skin editor, activate the lines and create a screenshot. Paste this screenshot in your favorite paint program and create the new textures above the screenshot.

You should scale the image to get a width of 1024 pixel and try to keep the aspect ratio otherwise your new texture will be streched.

I guess this is what you wanted to do.
You wanted to export the UV Mapping instead of the texture, which seems not to be supported as direct menu option.
Posted By: bart_the_13th

Re: Exporting image of skin mapping in MED - 05/19/09 13:19

I think if you select view->lines->lines(you know, when there's option to select none/wireframe/lines, i forgot the exact place) and you export the skin image, it will be projected to the skin. Or it only works for qmed(quake modeler I used to use)?
Posted By: Michael_McCrickard

Re: Exporting image of skin mapping in MED - 05/19/09 17:02

Thanks for the replies. I have tried doing screen-grabs as slacer suggested. It does work, but it's tedious. The Quadraxas made sounded like a great one, and I find that I can get this to work sometimes, but not others. And bart's suggestion is exactly what I used to do, and it used to work in MED, but no more. (I think maybe 6.384 is the last version that would do it.) In general, I find the skin editor in MED to be rather unpredictable. For instance, sometimes it just zooms in to the maximum suddenly when I'm doing something unrelated to zooming. Also that strange "sometimes the fill tool works, sometimes it doesn't" problem. Anyway, I guess I should learn Lith-Unwrap or something. Anybody have a favorite skinning tool to suggest?
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