Quick question about touching up textures.

Posted By: Anthus

Quick question about touching up textures. - 06/10/09 07:04

Ok, so I have a fully modeled area I made in Sketch-Up. You can see it here. And, if you look you'll notice some white lines along seams, and some of the textures line up awkwardly.

Now, what I wanna know is, can I bring this into WED, and somehow export the entire model's texture as one large image, and edit it, and re import it with the proper corrections? This is easier than redrawing everything. Or, better yet, is there a way to touch things up in MED/ WED?

Thank you.
Posted By: Quad

Re: Quick question about touching up textures. - 06/10/09 07:25

if you can export as fbx or 3ds from sketchup, it probably will export the texture, you can edit it with a image editing program.
Posted By: Rohiaw

Re: Quick question about touching up textures. - 06/10/09 10:12

yeah, try exporting to 3ds, then import it into MED or WED.
Posted By: Anthus

Re: Quick question about touching up textures. - 06/10/09 19:14

Thank you so much guys. I will try this whenever I get some time, which sadly, has been scarce lately.
Posted By: Anthus

Re: Quick question about touching up textures. - 06/11/09 17:28

Okay, I exported a 3DS file using a plug-in for sketch-up. It is just a 3ds fil, and there is no texture. I didn't see an option either. Also, MED did not have an import option for "3ds". It only had MDL MDL2, and a few others. What do I need to do? Thank you.
Posted By: Gumby22don

Re: Quick question about touching up textures. - 06/29/09 06:21

I use obj, with pretty good success. Try obj, fbx, or 3ds (as you have)

Obj will at least hopefully give you the texture files, which will need to be re-saved as good file formats (maybe tga, i'm just trying to figure this out) and UV co-ordinate mapping for your polys.

Give a few other types a try, when you get some time wink

have a great day
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