[req] Technique of building roads

Posted By: DestroyTheRunner

[req] Technique of building roads - 06/17/09 00:53


does any one has a technique or tutorial of building roads/streets?

For what ive tried, building it in blocks in wed, its hard to get curves without overlaping the blocks and messing up the texture.
And through MED its almost impossible(for me) to unwrap it perfectly.
Maybe im doing something wrong!

does anyone has any good technique?

Posted By: jimc74

Re: [req] Technique of building roads - 06/17/09 01:35

I ran into the same problem.
My solution was to model it in Wings3d,

What I do is create a 3d block, and I keep extruding evenly, into
different segments (that will repeat the texture, so the texture
doesn't stretch). Then I texture it.
Then I cut each segment 4 or 5 times, connect the new verticies,
then use the bend tool. Works great! It keeps the texture
where it should.

Of course in WED I connect them as near perfectly as I can....

I am sure you can do this way with other modeling programs....

The roads look as good as I need, and am working on making them
have shiny rocks and cracks (didn't get there yet)....
Posted By: DestroyTheRunner

Re: [req] Technique of building roads - 06/18/09 03:20

ill try this with 3dwings...
thanks smile
Posted By: ventilator

Re: [req] Technique of building roads - 06/18/09 03:32

i would use the curve and array modifiers in blender. this is more flexible because you will always have the editable curve around for tweaking.
Posted By: DestroyTheRunner

Re: [req] Technique of building roads - 06/21/09 20:17

blender looks so complicated. lol.Ive tried a couple times and couldnt get the hang of it!
I play sometimes a game called '18 wheels of steel, across america' its a cargo truck simulator, its made with Prism3d engine i think, and the roads and curves looks so smooth, i have no idea how they made that!
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