Script Editor takes a lot of memory!

Posted By: Rei_Ayanami

Script Editor takes a lot of memory! - 07/16/09 20:10

When I am programmmed my Super Mario Game, SED(it think it is the short form) took more and more mmory, at the it was 1,7 GB!?! Yeah GB not mb or kb! When I closed it and open it new the memory was normal, but when I wrote and tested more and more again the memory get again more frown.
Posted By: Cowabanga

Re: Script Editor takes a lot of memory! - 07/16/09 21:56

Probably you're opening lots of resources??
Posted By: FBL

Re: Script Editor takes a lot of memory! - 07/16/09 22:43

This seems t be normal, I'm experiencing increasing memory consumption as well, until SED crashes (on my weaker laptop).

According to jcl SED has no memory leak.
Posted By: jcl

Re: Script Editor takes a lot of memory! - 07/17/09 08:03

In fact there is a memory leak when you run a debug session. Every debug run consumes memory that is allocated by the script compiler and not released. But this does not affect the stability of the program, and does not happen in normal mode.

There were many reports that SED consumes a lot of memory. But we could never find a PC environment where this really happened. I've always asked if this was dependent on the script, and if so, to send that particular script to support so that someone else can reproduce this problem.

But we haven't yet received anything. So this problem is still a phantom.

Anyway, when you think you found a real memory leak, just make a bug report with the usual information:

- Does it happen a) only with your own script, or b) with all scripts?
- If a), strip down your script until the problem disappears. The last removed function then contained the problem - let us know details about it.
- If b), give a detailed description of your PC configuration, the circumstances, and how you measured the memory problem.
Posted By: Rei_Ayanami

Re: Script Editor takes a lot of memory! - 07/17/09 08:10

OK, it was just to say, my PC got 3 GB ram so itīs not a so big problem, well yeah I often start in Debug while programming, and my games uses only very many pictures.

Posted By: VeT

Re: Script Editor takes a lot of memory! - 07/17/09 09:06

Its known problem... I installed AnVir memory manager, it shows in a tray, how many memory is left, in this way i can pervent crashes smile
Posted By: MCKiller

Re: Script Editor takes a lot of memory! - 07/17/09 21:44


I have the same issue here on my old DELL laptop.
Pentium M with 1,7 GHz
50GB Drive with 50% free space.

When I start the project several times, Windows XP starts doing a lot of action on my harddisc. So I think my 1GB RAM is full and Windows use more and more virtual ram on my disc.

If I restart SED I get no performance boost, so maybe the memory is not freed correctly?

I have to restart my laptop to get back a good working speed.
Posted By: VeT

Re: Script Editor takes a lot of memory! - 07/19/09 13:48

Really, try to use AnVir Task Manager.
On the other hand, if you said that restarting SED didnt help you...
Posted By: jcl

Re: Script Editor takes a lot of memory! - 07/31/09 06:55

In case someone still runs into the same problem: it's apparently solved, the reason was just hitting the wrong button.

If you're used to start the app with F5, make sure that you haven't assigned F5 to starting a debug session. By default, it starts test run. The hotkey assignments can be changed under Options, but in the SED menu the default assignments are displayed, not the current assignments.
Posted By: Rei_Ayanami

Re: Script Editor takes a lot of memory! - 07/31/09 07:57

Thanks smile
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