Error in Wed..region leaking

Posted By: martins

Error in Wed..region leaking - 07/31/09 17:57

I wonder if someone could explai to me why this situation is happening :

1 - Create a room using an Hollwow Cube (or create a cube and then hollow it)
2 - Compile with default texture...

No problem


1 - Create a room with 6 indepent walls floor and ceiling (I create a brush, and then copy it and move it to the correct places.
2 - Compile with default textures

I get region leaking

But there are no leaks..Everything is perfectly grid aligned as in the automatic hollowed cube.

I use this technique in hammer, and never had any problem, and my workflow is to create the levels using small brushes insted of hollowing things...But I'm getting this error.

If someone knows why..I would appreciate.

Its got nothing to do with skyboxes...I eve tryed to put an hollowed cube around but the same problem arises.
Posted By: Ottawa

Re: Error in Wed..region leaking - 08/02/09 15:23


Welcome to the forum. wink


I eve tryed to put an hollowed cube around but the same problem arises

I know that you have tried this but my suggestion is to do this
again in the following order.

Do the big hollow cube with the standard texture first and compile it.
(Just to make sure that you have no leeks.)
Then add part of your world inside this cube and compile again.

Let us know if this works
Posted By: martins

Re: Error in Wed..region leaking - 08/02/09 21:27

Hi, and thanks for your answer.

Actually I solved the problem by starting with a plate and redimenson to the size I wanted. Previously I was starting with a cube.

But while working on a second room, I noticed I was offgrid and could not snap to it...that was weird as I use a 16 quants base for all dimensions...

As I was duplicating brushes..I thought " the problem can only come from here ".

So I went to WED preferences and marked the duplicate offset as zero for X and Y....

Duplicated one element...and voila..the duplicated element gets one or 2 pixel missaligned. If it is zero it should be exactly on the of the original...but that is not what is happening.

Does this happens to other people ? Is this a bug ? That is really weird...I cant create a level by designing every single element. I need to duplicate...and it needs to be precise.

Thanks once again

Posted By: Ottawa

Re: Error in Wed..region leaking - 08/02/09 22:46


Glad that you solved that problem.

I've taken note of your solution. wink
Posted By: Cowabanga

Re: Error in Wed..region leaking - 08/03/09 10:41

Welcome to the forum. wink

Sorry, but:
martins -.-
Registered: 27/09/07

Posted By: Rei_Ayanami

Re: Error in Wed..region leaking - 08/03/09 12:49

Okay... Who registers and never write anything xD^^
Posted By: Nowherebrain

Re: Error in Wed..region leaking - 08/04/09 03:04

I registered in like 2004, and never posted. I was too busy reading(learning) and being shot at in Iraq...besides not everyone is interested in "being heard"....
BTW: this is not an insult to you.....just insight.
Posted By: Ottawa

Re: Error in Wed..region leaking - 08/06/09 14:46


LOL wink
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