Seeking 2-D templet

Posted By: dvstudio

Seeking 2-D templet - 07/07/10 09:22

Want to toy with a side scrolling game concept but the tutorial doesn't provide some details needed to set one up. Anyone have any templets kicking around?
Posted By: 3run

Re: Seeking 2-D templet - 07/07/10 14:59

Look in my website. There is a GRAVITY project. You can use it, to get started. If you need any help with it, you can contact me. Good luck.
Posted By: Widi

Re: Seeking 2-D templet - 07/07/10 15:46

@3run: your game have notting to do with a side scrolling game !

@dvstudio: welcome here in the forum. You already do the workshop, that is good. In the AUM Magazine (link is on this site at the left) you can find a lot of code snippets. In the AUM 85 is a Workshop about 2D side scrolling game.
Posted By: 3run

Re: Seeking 2-D templet - 07/07/10 15:49

Gravity is side scrolling game wink
Posted By: Widi

Re: Seeking 2-D templet - 07/07/10 16:10

I download and try it: it is NOT a side --> SCROLLING <-- game. In such a game the level scrolls from right to left (or up to down) if you moving the player.

EDIT: like the Mario jump and run from Nitendo..
Posted By: 3run

Re: Seeking 2-D templet - 07/07/10 16:12

That can be easily add to existing camera. That's why a told dvstudio to PM me. I'll teach him, how to get started with all that staff wink
Posted By: Valdirene

Re: Seeking 2-D templet - 07/07/10 16:20

You want teaching him? A person that don`t know what is a sidescroller game? See also some "code" from you. Poor dvstudio...
Posted By: Rei_Ayanami

Re: Seeking 2-D templet - 07/07/10 17:36

Haha, a new user who already know says that - see? not only the experienced users say this XD
Posted By: 3run

Re: Seeking 2-D templet - 07/07/10 17:58

Rei_Ayanami, don't call yourself experienced user! grin
Here is a sidescrolling example made by me (it took me like 10 minutes to make it!). It is basic sidescroller game!
There is also my coin model, dvision you can use it in any purpose (only dvision is allowed to use it)!

Download link
Posted By: the_clown

Re: Seeking 2-D templet - 07/07/10 18:55

Hm, firstly, Rei IS an experienced user, but that isnt on topic, so, secondly, a 2d sidecrolling game uses no 3d elements but panels or other 2d elements - that's why it's called 2D. Thirdly, most 2d sidescrolling games I know aren't jump'n'runs like your gravity sample is, but auto-scrolling space shooters or something comparable. Am not too sure if this is the basic definition of a 2d sidescroller, so please correct me if Im wrong.
Posted By: alibaba

Re: Seeking 2-D templet - 07/07/10 19:01

Stop Man Stop!!!
I cant understand you ?!?
You neary Spammed every thread here in the forum!!
3Run just tries to help a newby and you are totally destroying it!
Doesnt matter if he is experienced or not, he TRIES to help, but you do NOTHING than CRITICIZING!!
You still remember the movement code from him? It was really solid, and i have never seen a newby who can achieve this, that means, that 3Run is experienced.
I cant understand you, why you are just criticizing everything?
I mean everyone not just widi or the_clown.
Posted By: the_clown

Re: Seeking 2-D templet - 07/07/10 19:09

Hm, what are you referring to right now? From my understanding there's just something unclear about the definition of "sidescroller"... As I see it, the initial post was about a 2d game, but however, 3run's sample (not gravity, the new one) seems to be helpful, yes - in case that the topic creator referred to a mario styled game.
From my point of view, I guess there's no fault from 3run's side, maybe the topic creator should specify his request.
Posted By: Widi

Re: Seeking 2-D templet - 07/07/10 19:11

I think also to do a 2D game with 3dgs is a hard way. Maybee it is better to combine 2D elements and 3d also.
Posted By: 3run

Re: Seeking 2-D templet - 07/07/10 19:16

Why are you guys (Widi and his clone Valdirene , Rey_Ayanami and now even you the_clown) trying to CRITICIZE everything that I try to do?! WHY? OK, call me "NOOB", OK call me "Newbie", OK call me even "Stupid" and "Unexperienced user", but please tell me, why are you CRITICIZING me?! Yes, I'm trying to help other user, even if I do that in wrong way some times (gravity it isn't a sidescroller, OK, but it can be changed to it easily! When I started it, it was sidescroller! That why I ask dvstudio to PM, I'll help him to change it! I'll teach him to make from my platformer project, sidescroller game!), but I try to HELP! Because I know on my own, how is hard to get started with GS! You need some one to teach you a bit at the starting! Thats why I've made a website with a forum! I want to help!!!
Posted By: alibaba

Re: Seeking 2-D templet - 07/07/10 19:24

You see? He tries everything to show you that he tries to help! He even rewrote his gravity code to show you that he can help him. But NO you just continue arguing! Anyway, please stop this, and let us stop here and get back to topic.
Please apologize, because i´ve never seen someone who tries to help newbies so hard.
Posted By: 3run

Re: Seeking 2-D templet - 07/07/10 19:30

Me (and all of you (Widi and his clone Valdirene , Rey_Ayanami and the_clown)) need to apologize to dvstudio first of all. Because all of your criticism and all of my tries to show you that I try to help, doesn't need to be in his topic! This is all offtopic! I hope, I helped him with sidescrolling example. Sorry dvstudio. And thank you alibaba, I'm glad to see, that some one appreciate that I try to help.
Posted By: Rei_Ayanami

Re: Seeking 2-D templet - 07/07/10 19:39

I haven't read the post (but the_clown's - thanks for that laugh )

However: On Topic: In the AU Recources you can find a 2D Sidescroller Super Mario "clon" by me (below "Demos")
It is old and unclean but it could give you a start.
Second: there is an aum about the 2D scrolling - AUM 85 laugh
Also: The aum from 81 to 85 are all about 2D games laugh
Posted By: alibaba

Re: Seeking 2-D templet - 07/07/10 19:41

Great! Why didn´t you posted that from the beginning?
This is helpful laugh
Posted By: 3run

Re: Seeking 2-D templet - 07/07/10 19:41

And also, there is a demo already made by me wink and it is here, is the topic wink
Posted By: the_clown

Re: Seeking 2-D templet - 07/07/10 19:41

Alright, dvstudio, I apologize for anything I posted that was offtopic.
Secondly, I apologize to 3run for anything that sounded like harsh criticism; all I wanted was trying to clearly point out what actually was requested. If I offended anyone, I'm sorry, that was not my intend.
Posted By: Blink

Re: Seeking 2-D templet - 07/07/10 20:14

@alibaba, please do not attack other members! if you think someone is spamming, let a mod know.
Posted By: dvstudio

Re: Seeking 2-D templet - 07/07/10 21:19

I ask a question and start a war, damn.

I checked out gravity. (By the way you have an issue if someone pushes the box against the wrong wall. Should make it so the player walks on box against wall and that pushes box out so they can get behind it)

Gravity is technically a sidescroll game... if there was more field to cause the camera to move with the player. But 3run is using the 3-D setup to accomplish this.

Sidescrolling games are basically defined as what what someone said earlier, a side view where the camera follows the player that uses panels and windows. (i.e. Super Mario Brothers, Castlevania, Contra, Sonic, Brahm Stoker's Dracula on Sega CD, ect, ect).

At least with all the fighting I see there's a ton of activity on this forum and not a forum that has 1 troll a week and no action.
Posted By: Rei_Ayanami

Re: Seeking 2-D templet - 07/07/10 21:26

As I said, there IS a super mario brothers (first level) demo on the AU recourses by me:

I am also thinking about writing a tutorial and a new clean code (using structs, reading out of texts for levels and so on...)

And also, try reading the aum, it is really good laugh
Posted By: dvstudio

Re: Seeking 2-D templet - 07/07/10 21:30

I downloaded Rey_Ayanami's mario clone and that looks like a good start for me.

But you're not kidding when you said it was rough. The goomba kills me bfore he even touches me, HA HA!.

I think 3run also has some good coding going on so I'll start by reverse engineering the mario files and see what I get from there. (I learned all my html from RE people's websites so this shouldn't be difficult).

If I run into a snag I'll post it and see what you all come up with. Sound good?
Posted By: Rei_Ayanami

Re: Seeking 2-D templet - 07/07/10 21:35

Hehe, sorry that the code is hard to understand and has bugs, it was my first start with 2D elements in 3DGS grin

I also wouldn't do the collision checking like in the old thing now, I would use arrays which fill more, which are more precise and faster (much faster) with another method...

If you can wait for my tutorial, it will cover more things laugh
Posted By: dvstudio

Re: Seeking 2-D templet - 07/07/10 23:27

I noticed you have multiple like-variables for enemies. Like 9 dead goombas. Just wondering the logic behind that. I assumed there would be just the defined actions for one goomba and that's it. It looks like you made perameters for each one individualy.
Posted By: Rei_Ayanami

Re: Seeking 2-D templet - 07/08/10 08:47

Yeah, that is right (and made wrong by me ^^)
Posted By: dvstudio

Re: Seeking 2-D templet - 07/08/10 09:25

oh, ok. So you are just to define one and clone it in the levels. Makes sense. I skimmed through the code trying to find the variables for the keyboard controls so I could switch them to a game pad. I couldn't find them but it's a lot of code to skim through. When I get mine under way I would like to have it pre-set up so the user can have either.
Posted By: dvstudio

Re: Seeking 2-D templet - 07/11/10 21:39

In the short periods of time I get to mess with this stuff, so far I have created 2-layers of background panels and a front panel of a character. (Yeah, not much.)

Rei, thanks for the Mario code but I’m having trouble making heads or tails out of it because it’s so long.

3run gave me a good code that's short and to the point and I’m having a better understanding of it but it's still a 3D format. I need to re-work it so it uses all bmaps instead of models.
I tried to make my background panels work with 3run's code but I'm at a loss that way without making them into actual 3d objects.

Really what I think I need to get going is the code for a sprite, that moves in a couple directions with the camera following it. And two layers of background, one stays with the ground and the next moves slower to simulate depth. Having this will help me get a better understanding as well as allow me to duplicate and alter layers, functions and variables.

Posted By: 3run

Re: Seeking 2-D templet - 07/12/10 01:26

You need to search AUM's I guess.
Posted By: dvstudio

Re: Seeking 2-D templet - 07/13/10 04:10

OK, so appearently I must have had my definition slightly off. I'm looking for a "Platform" game. I always thought platform game meant that it was designed to be a console release (i.e. Playstation, Nintendo, ect, ect).
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