Character Floats

Posted By: jaster

Character Floats - 08/22/11 21:52

Hi all. So I was setting up a simple level for character testing (a hollow cube with a character model, nothing else) and after I set the behavior to t_shooter_player and did a test run, the character just floats up and up and up at a steady rate. The move and jump functions all work but the character just keeps floating. I have made no changes that should be causing this (I think.) I simply started wed, added a hollow cube, scaled the cube up a bit, added a character model, added the player script and tested the level. I have tried a different character model (the one included with A8 "sf_woman" but get the same result) Could someone please point me in the right direction?
Posted By: Estevoo

Re: Character Floats - 10/19/11 23:20

maybe you are using a model that the origin is in the feet instead the belly! I don't know if it's the problem, maybe or maybe not! well, u can try setting the origin of your model on the belly!
Posted By: Delirium

Re: Character Floats - 11/08/11 10:06

Ha, I just bought A8 and had the same problem, floating. I finally found a demo with code in Aum 102, called Events, and made the world a little bigger so I could start programming a level. After all you can import your own textures to the cube. I scoped down and made the walls a blue texture with the sky flag set, and added the code to use a sky cube. The events level is a cube too. And the easy to understand code has several built in events to adapt to your purposes. I know you want to know how to fix the floating, sorry I can't help with that. I've been around a while but am not great at code, I just enjoy building levels. Just thought if you haven't seen the Events code in AUM 102 its simple and worth looking at.
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