Needing some help with WED

Posted By: localgod5

Needing some help with WED - 03/12/06 23:41

I have 6.31.4 standard, and i can't get wed to publish my map it is a simple map, but it won't make the wmd file? any suggestions
Posted By: Gordon

Re: Needing some help with WED - 03/13/06 07:26

First save it as something other than "untitled". Second you need to build before you publish and make sure that when you build you "build level" selected.

I hope this helps you on your way.
Posted By: localgod5

Re: Needing some help with WED - 03/13/06 17:16

Here is my process, first i created the map and saved as stone_room i go to build and it does noting. I check for the wmb file and its not there. So i search for the wmp file. I try to run the map, wich it builds first then compiles and says can't find wmb file. I am at wits end.
Posted By: ulillillia

Re: Needing some help with WED - 03/13/06 17:24

If you can't find the WMB file (of which has the same name as your WMP file), there's a good chance you have errors in the compilation. When you compile the map, you'll see something like:

"Critical error: region with too many portals"

or something like this at the end, but not neccessarily this error as this is meant as an example. If you do get errors, the WMB file will not be created. Warnings, however, are okay (such as "region leaking" or "block too big for shaded mode") and the WMB file should be created.
Posted By: Gordon

Re: Needing some help with WED - 03/13/06 17:51

what verstion of A6 do you have.
Posted By: localgod5

Re: Needing some help with WED - 03/13/06 18:37

I stated above.
Posted By: localgod5

Re: Needing some help with WED - 03/13/06 18:39

I am getting no error. Nothing at all happens. its kind of like the product never registered when i installed the install files i got from conitec. It still is acting the same as when i had the demo version.
Posted By: localgod5

Re: Needing some help with WED - 03/13/06 18:39


I have 6.31.4 standard, and i can't get wed to publish my map it is a simple map, but it won't make the wmd file? any suggestions

Posted By: BlueBeast

Re: Needing some help with WED - 03/14/06 06:55

I've had this problem, and i read about someone else too.... save all your important folders and reinstall gamestudio... that seems to work, but i have no idea what causes the problem, im guessing since it's so rare that it's just a bad sector or something on the hard drive, or some other simple little error.

I doubt it's the program

Posted By: localgod5

Re: Needing some help with WED - 03/14/06 21:45

Thank you blue best you are awesome.
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