Animation overlay

Posted By: rogerant

Animation overlay - 03/16/06 13:43

is it possible to overlay two or more animations for one model at the same time?
For example the first animation move the arm, the second the leg and they were called together, so the model move both!

Is there a maximum count of animations a models could have, or a maximum of frames per animation?

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Animation overlay - 03/17/06 15:03

bone-animation: yes
vertex-animation: no (*)

If you use bone-animation this is a possible way (reset+anim_a+anim_b+... = total anim)

With vertex-animation you just can choose one animation name and the interpolation-sequence: e.g. "run" with 30% (its "run 3" out of 10 or interpolation between two vertex-models-sequences)

read more in the help about ent_animate().

(*) if you devide your model in separat parts you can join and animate the modelpart by script (a lot o work!)

Posted By: rogerant

Re: Animation overlay - 03/21/06 15:40

Thank's for the infos.

do you know, if there is an maximum for frames in an .mdl-file??
I want to make a model with a huge count of animations-sequences!

And is it possible to overlay vertex and bone-animations?

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Animation overlay - 03/22/06 14:24

Hi again!

I don't know about limits in models.
Ask Conitec for that.

You can overlay vertex with bone-animation:


Posted By: rogerant

Re: Animation overlay - 06/08/06 13:30

Hello again,

thank for you infos.

You wrote I can overly vani and bani1 and bani2.
-My model should speak (vani) and run (bani)
But if I have a standing model talking.
And I overlay the run-boneani what is with the body.
The computer couldn't know which ani he must combine in which way,or?
Is there any example for this in forum/tut. I didn't found any

And it is possible to make two or more .mdl7-files (cause of the huge anicount I will have) and load that files to on model together??
So I could load a model (without any ani) and the anis from an other .mdl-file with only the anis (only boneani I think).

I hope I have explained my problem well enough ?!
Thank's for any info,
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