Pictures in MED?

Posted By: Spaz

Pictures in MED? - 05/19/06 19:06

Is it possible to place an image behind what you're working on in MED so that when you're placing your nodes all you have to do is basically trace the object?

Posted By: ulillillia

Re: Pictures in MED? - 05/19/06 19:24

Yes. Look in the menus for "background picture". Another option is to use a single, large texture in the scene (best with 6.4x) and use it as a guide. The large texture concept is great for having a level design plan.
Posted By: Spaz

Re: Pictures in MED? - 05/19/06 22:00

Thanks, Ulillillia! I was afraid it was going to be something simple like that that I should have already known about. I haven't upgraded to 6.4 yet because I'm using a force-feedback dll for our simulator that doesn't work with 6.4. It's a bummer. Seems like there are a lot of cool features with the new upgrade.
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