Model is looking flat- not good!

Posted By: nray1s

Model is looking flat- not good! - 06/26/06 14:40

This is the second time I have posted this problem, however I posted it earlier in the shaders forum which may not have been the place to put it.
My current problem is that an entity is looking flat when the level is run in the A6 Engine, but never anywhere else. When I do the preview run in WED, it looks 3D, when I do the preview engine run in MED, it looks good, and in the MED program itself, the model looks good. But, when I run the level, the character appears flat.
There are lights in the scene, in fact I have tried a large variety of them, including the lights being dynamic. Also, I have messed with the material settings in MED, and none of these seem to help. As I mentioned before the model is 3D, it is not a sprite or 2D figure. The model is supposed to be a head, with eyes, teeth, and tongue seperate from the main face. There are 8840 polygons in all, with 4885 vertices.
Right now I am not too worried about CPU power, since this is the only entity in the entire game, but I am trying to get a realistic face that can interact with the user to some degree.
So, if anyone at all knows what I can do, I would really appreciate it.
Posted By: ShoreVietam

Re: Model is looking flat- not good! - 06/26/06 14:53

You need some kind of light source (even if it is only the normal sun) to have any lighting.

With ambient only it will of course look flat since this is a overall ligthing without any direction.
Posted By: nray1s

Re: Model is looking flat- not good! - 06/26/06 15:27

Thanks for the reply, however I have already tried putting lights in the scene, and I have set the sun in the map properties, with different heights, azimuth, colors, and ambience. But, still none of these help with the problem.
I may also note that I have tried giving the entity a shadow, but this also does nothing.
If anyone can help I really need it!
Posted By: broozar

Re: Model is looking flat- not good! - 06/26/06 15:33

write a material...
Posted By: ShoreVietam

Re: Model is looking flat- not good! - 06/26/06 15:36

If your level box is massive there will be no sun light that comes through.
And static light only does ambient-like-lighting and no directional lighting like it is done by dynamic lights.

Model lighting with solid skybox:

Model lighting with dynamic light source (sun is counted as dynamic light, too):

Posted By: nray1s

Re: Model is looking flat- not good! - 06/26/06 18:49

Thanks alot, fixing the stuff with the sun and the large box helped out.
But, it still doesn't look nearly as good as the preview runs from earlier.
I am beginning to think that I need to actually draw a face for the texture instead of just using a solid color. Any input for that?
Posted By: ShoreVietam

Re: Model is looking flat- not good! - 06/26/06 20:13

the sun_light variable may help.
Posted By: Kamiomi

Re: Model is looking flat- not good! - 06/26/06 20:55

A texture is always going to make a model look better than just a single solid color - the texture can add detail and 3-dimensionality. Lighting isn't the only thing you need.

By the way, ShoreVietam, your character looks great!

Posted By: nray1s

Re: Model is looking flat- not good! - 06/27/06 12:15

Thanks, Kamiomi, I really appreciate the advice, and I am sure that it will help the character substantially.
Thanks also ShoreVietam, the lighting has already made the scene look much better and I think I understand how it works much better now.
This is all pretty new to me, I really am thankful for the help.
Posted By: ShoreVietam

Re: Model is looking flat- not good! - 06/27/06 18:58

Just look at her breastplate in the first screen.
It looks lighted even without lighting, only because of the texture and it is only a rough self painted one.

Posted By: tindust

Re: Model is looking flat- not good! - 06/30/06 20:13

You may want to consider looking at new lighting tool to help you understand and explore lights for your level. You have actually lots of possibilities without having to remake the model skin or texturing.

Look at examples at the DynaLights Gallery

Best regards,
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