A maya7 question

Posted By: Aaron

A maya7 question - 07/28/06 23:24

Hi I can't figure out how to assing or make a mesh or skin a 3d model in maya 7. I look at most maya how to stuff on websites but never could see how to assing a image to the 3d model as a tesxture. I am using maya7 and want to know how I can skin the model what's the button or process on doing it.
Posted By: MJR_Corp

Re: A maya7 question - 07/28/06 23:30

I dont know, never used maya7 before.
But surely there is a help topic on it somewhere in the program itself (F1 for help)?
Posted By: JetpackMonkey

Re: A maya7 question - 07/28/06 23:38

I recommend some basic video tutorial stuff like the Lynda or Gnomon videos. Learning how to do UV layout is a big job. Maya has nice automatic mapping features but any advice you get here is going to be nowhere enough information for you. It's like asking someone here to explain how to fly an airplane or crochet a sweater. Better get busy, take a course, watch some videos, read up do some tutorials and work at it, unfortunately.
Posted By: NITRO777

Re: A maya7 question - 07/28/06 23:50

0)goto modeling set(assume you are there if you already have a mesh)
1)first make a UV map of your model (you can just use polygon UV's-> automatic mapping)
2)Switch to rendering set
3)Go to texturing->3d piant tool->option box
4)click assign textures
5)choose a resolution like 1024 * 1024

when you save the scene a map has been automatically made. You can then just open it up in photoshop and paint more on it.

**Theres about 30 other ways to do this, but this is about the quickest way

I didnt know what the heck I was doing when I first got maya, untill I paid $500 for a day long seminar then I decided I could just learn things myselfby reading books. Good luck if you have any questions about the process I explained then I will answer.
Posted By: Paul_L_Ming

Re: A maya7 question - 07/29/06 06:58


This is just a shot in the dark, but, uh, have you tried reading the Maya 7 manual?
Posted By: etohmac

Re: A maya7 question - 08/25/06 04:25

Posted By: BlackDevil

Re: A maya7 question - 08/29/06 15:30


First of all you really should take a look an the maya books.
If you are new in Maya then look for Gnomon Video tutorials or take a look at the Maya in Production Video Tutorials from Digital Tutors. Volume 3 is Texturing. What else i can help you? I even don't know if you would understand we if I explain you now everything, therefore I will just give you a short way which should help you. Create your Model. Open the hypershade. On the Left Side ( in the Tree) choice Texture And drop it in the cube and unbelieveable you got an textured cube *lol*

Hope this helps you a little bit.


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