Syntax error:Can't go to FALSEGOTO:STRUCT@20::.

Posted By: Lukas

Syntax error:Can't go to FALSEGOTO:STRUCT@20::. - 07/03/10 12:38

This line:

Lead to this warning:

Syntax error:Can't go to FALSEGOTO:STRUCT@20::.
< if(win->tbmaps)

Didn't know if I should put it here or to bug hunt.
The reason that this warning shows up seems to be that win->tbmaps is a struct (and no pointer). I meant to put something else into the brackets, so it's good that the compiler showed me that there was something wrong about it.

However, this warning is nowhere documented in the manual. And it's misleading because it says "Syntax error", although it's just a warning and the compiler doesn't stop.
I think it should be in the manual because it could be confusing...

And I'm not sure if you can put a struct into an if-statement anyway. Maybe this warning/error should stop the compiler. Maybe it was even meant to?

Happens with 7.85 and 8.00.5b.
Posted By: jcl

Re: Syntax error:Can't go to FALSEGOTO:STRUCT@20::. - 07/05/10 16:06

Yes, this syntax error must stop the compiler, as the compiled code can not be correct. This will be implemented.
Posted By: Lukas

Re: Syntax error:Can't go to FALSEGOTO:STRUCT@20::. - 07/05/10 16:12

Ok, thanks.
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