female game character

Posted By: Machinery_Frank

female game character - 07/31/06 06:15


this is my second attempt to create a female game character. This time I spent much more time to define the face. I almost used thousand polies only for this. The whole character has about 3000 polygons now:

Here is a closer shot of the head. This is not the final texture, just a place-holder-material to get a first impression:

And here you can see that I managed to unwrap the entire model. Even the shoes are perfectly unwrapped:

Texture and some more details will follow next days.

By the way: This took me 2 full days so far. I used one entire day only for the head. I will be faster next time since I am learning with every new model.

Posted By: Inestical

Re: female game character - 07/31/06 06:59

I like it add some details to the head, like glasses or something. But I quess ye'll do it later on. looking forward onto this =D
Posted By: TheExpert

Re: female game character - 07/31/06 07:07

Good proportions !
The only things i see : you can remove some consequent number of unecessary vertex .

And for bending knees and shoulders it's 2 or 3 edges outdoor and only one
in the bending area, someone had already posted a gif about that : )

Good work , now you could just like i said optimize it
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: female game character - 07/31/06 07:53

ThExpert: You will lose volume with this technique when you animate the model later on. Your technique leads to less polygons without doubt but the bending objects will get thinner while bending.
Posted By: Excessus

Re: female game character - 07/31/06 09:25

Nice model, frank. Here are some things I liked and disliked:

-Good proportions.
-Good face texture
-Very bad topology. When you look at the body, arms, legs, you can see that you created a box or cylinder and just pushed some vertices in and out to get the right shape. Try cutting lines that follow the muscle flow.
-Waste of texture space. You unwrapped it very nicely, with all the parts on different places but you are not making use of that. Either map everything except head and hands and shoes on a small part of the skin and rely on the engine to shade it (works well when normalmapped) or add details to the skin.
Posted By: MJR_Corp

Re: female game character - 07/31/06 09:32

I like it, its good. Especially the head, some hard work went into that.
Needs a few finishing touches though
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: female game character - 07/31/06 09:44

Thanks for the comments. I will look into this.

By the way: I did not create any of this from a cylinder. I started with a simple box (cube) and shaped the head out of it. Then I extruded everything from this one.

The legs have some muscles in the lower leg and upper leg and the lower arm and upper arm is differently shaped. Maybe you cannot see this in the small image.

I think you are right with polygon flow. I could use more loops (e.g. in the stomach area) and more special shaped lines to define muscles.

But I am here at 3000 polies and I want to add bags and a headset. So I stopped it though I really would like to add muscles even to a female. I love that. But this time it will be better painted or will come later with the normal map that will be created from a way more dense model.

I did not understand your comment concerning uv-mapping. How do you know the use of it? I still do not use it because I have no textures applied so far. I finished the uv-map yesterday late night.
I did not use mirroring because it was a main point of critics in my last model here in this forum. The other reason is normalmapping. As far as I read in some articles it can lead to problems with normalmapping when you use mirrored uv-parts.
Some empty spaces in the uv-map are for purpose. I still have to map a few bags and a headset.
Posted By: Excessus

Re: female game character - 07/31/06 09:58

A better meshflow doesn't necesarily mean more polygons. For example: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v85/wheelchairninja/Model%20showcase/maleupdatewirefront.jpg(3012 faces) Now this model isn't perfect either but you can see how the lines are arranged (especially on the body) so they follow the features you want to highlight (muscles, wrinkles). I don't think you should change the whole model now because it would be alot of work but you might want to consider this for your next model(s).

About the skin, since the head is textured I thought the body is too. But if I understand you correctly it is just a single color material? If that's the case, forget my comment. I just thought you had unwrapped everything next to eachother but used a single color on the texture map which would be wastefull.
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: female game character - 07/31/06 10:11

Thanks for this picture. This looks really helpful.

Yes. I wrote in my first post that I only used place-holder-materials. Final texture will have painted or photographed details. I am not sure about it. I will show the progress when texture is finished.
Posted By: NITRO777

Re: female game character - 07/31/06 12:39

Looks good Frank G,
Your UV map looks exceptionally well, as my maps all end up looking like h*ll.
Posted By: JimFox

Re: female game character - 08/01/06 16:51

I am going to have to go with NITRO. The UV map looks exceptional. Your polycount is on the high side, but you can get away with that for a few main models-- even on low end machines.
Nice job.
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: female game character - 08/02/06 07:20

Thanks Nitro and JimFox for the comments. I appreciate that.
Posted By: Alberto

Re: female game character - 08/05/06 12:09

Frank G

In my opinion it is exceptional but I am a poor artist
Just as a matter of curiosity
Are you also a good artist by hand ?
I wonder because I never tried to tackle 3D modelling, assuming it is beyond my possibility
Thanks in advance
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

female game character / new shots - 08/07/06 07:14

Thanks again to you all.

I created a first texture for the model and added a few details (headset, bags, belt).

Here is a first in-game impression of her in gamestudio with sphere plugin:

And here are a few rendered images:

This is my second attempt to create a female character from scratch. I learn every time when I try it. And I started to improve my 2d capabilities a few months ago. I attend a painting course now and did a lot of sketches, practice proportions and compositions. So I hope to get better every week.
I learn alot of details from sketching. Ears, eyes, faces. There is allways a detail that I do not know so far.

By the way:
I want to start the animation process this week.
Posted By: TheExpert

Re: female game character / new shots - 08/07/06 07:32

your scene looks like last AAA games

the face of the girl is too rought, too hard, she's really bad ?
for hair texturing i'll give you a cool link
Posted By: ShoreVietam

Re: female game character / new shots - 08/07/06 10:43

Your model looks great, but hase some proportion issues.

I made this little picture to see, what causes the partially strange look.

The breast of your model seems to be to far below the point where you expect it to be. The reason actually is the hip which is much too high for both, cute or realistic styles. I expect you want to have a realistic style (head size fits better).
Thus you'd have to decrease the leg's length and increase waist height to get better proportions.

Just use the red lines to compare, they all have the distance of one head-size to each other.

Thus if you count them through, your model is a combination of cute and realistic styles. The body fits the cute style in "heads" combined with the leg length of the realistic style in "heads".

But it looks really good so far!

Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: female game character / new shots - 08/07/06 11:14

Wow. Thanks. That is a fantastic response. I will lower the hip a bit and decrease legs accordingly to change this issue.
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: female game character / new shots - 08/21/06 08:42

I practiced sketching to enhance my modelling capabilities. Here are some of my latest results:

I learned a lot about the "terrain" of the face and hope to put all this into my future textures and 3d models.

Posted By: anonymous_alcoho

Re: female game character / new shots - 08/21/06 19:42

1, she looks like she's puckering up, like she ate a warhead and can't take the heat

2, yeah, the breasts are somewhat low.
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: female game character / new shots - 08/22/06 05:51


1, she looks like she's puckering up, like she ate a warhead and can't take the heat

Sorry. Maybe this is because of my English but for me this sounds crazy like you had a drink again although you wanted to stay away from this dangerous stuff
Posted By: gri

Re: female game character / new shots - 08/22/06 10:19


wow good work!
I like her , she looks so evil! sweet

But one thing I disslike on her.
Please delete the "monokel" or spend more polys to that thing.

Posted By: eleroux

Re: female game character / new shots - 08/22/06 17:36

Congratulations on this work! I think is excellent.

I agree to some point to the proportions issue.

I think proportions don't always have to be the same. It's incredible how the little differences between one or another humanoid can give him/her a different personality: lower or higher mouths, eyebrows...

But in this case, breasts DO seem lower than one could expect from a cool chick The personality in this case is of an older/ uglier woman.

Fortunately, 3d model adjustments are a lot easier than breast surgery.
Posted By: bupaje

Re: female game character / new shots - 08/22/06 23:02

Hey Frank. Looks like you have some great stuff going on. Your drawings are coming along very nicely and the facial proportions seem right to me. Are you drawing from still images? If so you may want to visit the life drawing thread at cgtalk.com where they have a free workshop -they post an image and you draw it and it gets useful critique. If you have live people to draw that is also very helpful.

My only suggestion would be to look for the detail around the eye, mostly below it. You seem to be working out the structure above the eye a little, the eye itself is a tiny bit flat but I can see where you are working that out as well but the triangle between the lower half of the eye, the nose and the cheekbone is too flat, no structure -if you know what I mean.

I don't have any full face online but here is my wife's eye in charcoal


For me it was really helpful to draw from life and also to study a little anatomy to understand what is beneath the skin. If you can find a book showing muscles and bones in the face and remember them when you draw it will help you stretch skin over real structure.

Your work is always awesome.
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: female game character / new shots - 08/23/06 13:25

Thank you all.

Bupaje: Your charcoal eye looks fantastic. Thanks for the great amount of hints.
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: female game character / new shots - 09/01/06 07:27

Here is a new sketch that I created yesterday (in 4 hours) that could become a 3d face:

Posted By: BlueBeast

Re: female game character / new shots - 09/01/06 07:47

If you redo the breasts, just don't make them the unrealistic torpedoes that Lara Croft has She's more a characterization, it it appears you're looking for something a bit more realistic!

Nice work, I like the shadows/lighting in the level too!

Posted By: EX Citer

Re: female game character / new shots - 09/01/06 11:04

klasse, wie ich sehe übs du fleißig Wischst schon wie Doud Die Haare hätte ich liniearer gemacht, nicht so flächig. Auch wenns ein 3D model werden soll wo die Haare ja Flächen sind, die Textur ist ja dann wieder haarig.
Posted By: NITRO777

Re: female game character / new shots - 09/01/06 13:25

great sketch...of course the eyelashes seem to be spaced differently on each eye, but thats a minor detail considering that this is obviously a study.

I like the sketch very much though, and I think it looks great overall. It is better than I can do currently.
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: female game character / new shots - 09/01/06 13:51

Thanks Nitro and ExCiter.
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