my first low poly head

Posted By: Loopix

my first low poly head - 09/28/06 22:54

Hi everyone...haven't been much around on the forums these days. Well I hope to post more often from now on

I thought it's good challenge to start my next creative phase with something else than the boring plant-modeling...that's why I tried to make my first lowpoly human-head...just a simple head, nothing really charakteristic (this will be the next step). I made the head face by face in Fragmotion...just because I'm too stupid to use any other modeling software

I would really appreciate your critics and suggestions on how to improove. My goal was to keep the polycount really low but still keeping a decent shape.

triangles: 388
modeling time: far too long

Posted By: Sharx

Re: my first low poly head - 09/28/06 23:10

Very impressive for a first try, I couldn't even make ears on my first try. You should probably move your vertices so that your wireframe defines the features better, like cheek bones and brows and whatever else should be outlined. The eyes go in too much (if you are putting eyeballs in then nevermind that comment). Your still doing really well though, keep working and you will be there soon.
Posted By: Loopix

Re: my first low poly head - 09/28/06 23:40

thanks're probable right. I will try to add some more eyebrow-detail (wich will create another 12 faces ). I think the cheek-bones can be easyly emphacized without adding more verts. I'll also check the eyes once more...but first I need some sleep
Posted By: Stansmedia

Re: my first low poly head - 09/29/06 05:35

the face is a little wide. skinny up the cheeck bones and jaw line and you should be set. lips may be a bit too poofy also. but its a good model overall, especially the side shot.
Posted By: FeiHongJr

Re: my first low poly head - 09/29/06 07:27

Honestly thats a damn good head. Ive been trying to model heads for ever and dont think any of mine has looked that good. Im jealous Did you follow a tutorial? If so please point me in that direction.

The only thing that looks a lil odd to me is the edge just below the eyes seems to be pushed in instead of pulled outward. Other then that its looking very good. A good texture and the little flaws would probally hardly be noticable.
Posted By: frazzle

Re: my first low poly head - 09/29/06 10:52


Honestly thats a damn good head. Ive been trying to model heads for ever and dont think any of mine has looked that good. Im jealous Did you follow a tutorial? If so please point me in that direction.

Same feeling here loopix
If that is your first head, I'm like
Not only you can make good looking plants but I think you've got talented in modelling humains to
Another thin:

triangles: 388

That's quite a good low number if you look at the result of your head


Posted By: EX Citer

Re: my first low poly head - 09/29/06 11:08

MY friend tries to model his head in 3D. THis isnīt your head, right?
Posted By: Pappenheimer

Re: my first low poly head - 09/29/06 11:09

All in all a fantastic start!

Everything is at its place.

You should add another view ("Dreiviertelansicht") which shows both, side and front view, in a way that you see the cheek behind the nose. This view shows more of the general impression of the head than the other views! Then you can see wether an eye brow would add something special, or wether it needs only painted in the skin.

To achieve a "beautyful" head - as often used for main characters - you should move up the mouth and nose a bit. And scale it taller. But you can easely do such modifications later. Especially, when you like to use it as prototype for different characters.
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