Grass'O'Matic 3.0

Posted By: Bright

Grass'O'Matic 3.0 - 10/22/06 00:59

It's here!
Grass'O'Matic 3.0 is currently a work in progress but shall be released sometime in the last months of 2006.
Grass'O'Matic is a grass generator for 3D Game Studio that allows game designers to add lush lawns, bush and field with ease.

Grass'O'Matic 3.0 has a different way of generating grass instead of just using a dummy marker.
I am working on making it work with level block grass textures. I am also trying to make an editor that allows users to simply paint the grass in their levels.

Editor Preview:

I'll be posting more media (images and videos) soon

Thanks for your interest,
Posted By: DavidLancaster

Re: Grass'O'Matic 3.0 - 10/22/06 03:56

Are you able to share the grass spirte you're using???

It's looking very good Bright! Are you using a shader on the grass? to stop the z_buffer issue etc
Posted By: Tempelbauer

Re: Grass'O'Matic 3.0 - 10/22/06 09:39

wow, looks cool
how will we able to add it to our projects? does grass'o'matic generate a script like in ep3, that we can include in our projects?
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Grass'O'Matic 3.0 - 10/22/06 11:52

That's fine looking grass Bright !!
I was looking at the video and was sure that my patient to see a video of your WIP with Grass'O'Matic 3.0 would be rewarded and it is, it just looks amazing
I'm guessing we'll get a plugin for the grass generating editor right ??
Btw, which FPS do you get ^^

Can't wait to get a demo version from this


Posted By: broozar

Re: Grass'O'Matic 3.0 - 10/22/06 11:53

the ED video rocks
Posted By: cartoon_baboon

Re: Grass'O'Matic 3.0 - 10/22/06 12:22

The vid looks great. Will this painting method work on terrains as well?
Posted By: themgsman

Re: Grass'O'Matic 3.0 - 10/22/06 14:16

Looks very promising. Does it enable the grass sway or move with the wind? I look forward to checking it out when you release the full version.
Posted By: sPlKe

Re: Grass'O'Matic 3.0 - 10/22/06 15:58

THIS is how grass has to look...
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Grass'O'Matic 3.0 - 10/22/06 18:21


THIS is how grass has to look...

Real grass is much much shorter, even if you don't cut it regularly and let it grow wild. Perhaps this seems this way because of the scale of the texture underneath, but this really looks like giant grass to me. Perhaps a bit too monotone green too.

Look at this: Take a look at this - and FREE TEXTURES too ..

You can see all kinds of green color tones, even yellow color tones.

Anyways, as for the Grass-o-matic, I like that video. Does it save the locations of the grass to the wmp file btw. or do we need to load it with a grass-o-matic specific system ?

Posted By: lostclimate

Re: Grass'O'Matic 3.0 - 10/22/06 19:24

it seems like this would kill your frame rate having this many enitities visible? how is this made up for?
Posted By: Matt_Aufderheide

Re: Grass'O'Matic 3.0 - 10/22/06 19:28

The real way to do grass is with batching.. i doubt this does that so you really need some kind of aggressive management.
Posted By: Pappenheimer

Re: Grass'O'Matic 3.0 - 10/22/06 22:43



THIS is how grass has to look...

Real grass is much much shorter, even if you don't cut it regularly and let it grow wild. ...

Looking at the different screens with grass of MattAufderheide and Damocles and Maybenew and Bright, and reading the very different feedbacks shows that most of the feedback is a matter of taste and not a matter of quality!

Looking at sceens of games like Oblivion and Gothic and Battlefield and Half-Life 2 shows that there are different approachs among the big professional companies as well.
Posted By: Sebe

Re: Grass'O'Matic 3.0 - 10/22/06 23:16

Well, what people want to see in games isn't what they've in front of their own house, that leads to the fact that long grass is much more popular than short grass. And about the realism, the grass around the countryhouse where I used to live was about 1.5 meters high
Posted By: EpsiloN

Re: Grass'O'Matic 3.0 - 10/22/06 23:19



Real grass is much much shorter, even if you don't cut it regularly and let it grow wild. ...

a matter of taste and not a matter of quality!

Dunno about that,but I think shorter grass is a matter of location 2 meters around my grandmothers house and no more than 40 sm. in the city even when you dont cut it...

PS.: It looks great , yes , a little monotone green but very useful
Posted By: anonymous_alcoho

Re: Grass'O'Matic 3.0 - 10/23/06 00:18

Thats pretty cool. Another idea with this is to change it to trees and you can generate a forest with the same method.

Also, being able to change the color of the grass would be awesome, that way we can change the realism, have dead grass, or even bright pink grass!
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Grass'O'Matic 3.0 - 10/23/06 12:10


Well, what people want to see in games isn't what they've in front of their own house, that leads to the fact that long grass is much more popular than short grass.

I wasn't talking about grass in front of my house at all, infact, I was talking about grass with games in mind. I don't see so much long grass in games actually, quite often they leave the grass small and make the shrubs dens and bigger. (Far Cry just to give an example, grass often isn't longer than a soldier's foot.)

Look at the scale of the texture underneath the grass. Yes, grass may be even longer in reality in some places, but not bigger! Hope this clears up what I meant.

@Pappenheimer: Different approaches to tackle the same problem, how to get as much grass as possible in a game. . Serious Sam is a good example of long grass, but it's looks thinner and the scale is better.

Posted By: TheExpert

Re: Grass'O'Matic 3.0 - 10/23/06 16:36

Bad talking :

i really prefer Oblivion grass , this one looks more like furr , it seems t obe too thin for me

but good work , i really would prefer 3DGS to have a real grass system like the one of Titan Quest Editor
Posted By: Yu_Une

Re: Grass'O'Matic 3.0 - 11/09/06 07:24

That's pretty amazing,well done
Posted By: JimFox

Re: Grass'O'Matic 3.0 - 11/10/06 16:38

The height of the grass depends on the season, species, fertility of the soil, and whether it has been grazed/mown or not. Maximum height of some hybrid Bermuda grass or Buffalograss is about 2 inches (5 cm). Some of the tallgrasses of the American praries are about 2 meters, and tropical grasses like Cogan Grass will grow higher than two meters. Common pasture grasses like Timothy, Brome, Orchardgrass will easily grow to 1.5 meters. So the height of the grass is really a matter of taste, and the environment you are trying to simulate.
Posted By: maybenew

Re: Grass'O'Matic 3.0 - 11/10/06 16:46

I agree with you pappenheimer.

the most important thing of a good grass system is the management of the visibility in order to keep the performance up. no developer can afford to loose gpu/cpu capacity for one object-set...

the trick is not to make good looking gras, the trick is to make the good looking gras usable for wide areas without loosing to much fps...

and as good as grass'o'matic 3 looks, i bet you, if you provide me with your graphics-files i can deliver you exactly the same scene around 75% faster...
Posted By: Yu_Une

Re: Grass'O'Matic 3.0 - 12/20/06 09:37

You also have to consider they dump millions of dollars into those games.
Posted By: maybenew

Re: Grass'O'Matic 3.0 - 12/20/06 12:09

but not for grass...

you can buy good gras models on every corner of the internet... the important part is the integration and managment...
writing a management system for gras is not like designing the U3 engine...
you do not need any money at all for that, you need a brain, some logic, programming skills and a day's time...
Posted By: adoado

Re: Grass'O'Matic 3.0 - 12/21/06 09:23


you do not need any money at all for that, you need a brain, some logic, programming skills and a day's time...

Yes, but the programming can be hard, very hard. You may need to have REALLY good programming skills, or hire a programmer which does need money. These type of things are made by companies who pay lots to achieve this. But, your right. Logic, skills, and the obvious one, a brain - are needed
Posted By: maybenew

Re: Grass'O'Matic 3.0 - 12/21/06 09:54

are we still talking about grass?
Posted By: Thomas_Nitschke

Re: Grass'O'Matic 3.0 - 12/21/06 19:26

I think so?
maybenew, am I correct recalling you were the one who presented his beautiful environment system on the fora lately? If so: would you mind providing us with some tips about how you kept your performance up?
I know several good methods myself but am always interested in new ones that I couldn't come up with so far.

Posted By: Puppeteer

Re: Grass'O'Matic 3.0 - 01/29/08 20:54

What's withthis project?
Has it ever been released?
And is there any way to get it?
Posted By: Scorpion

Re: Grass'O'Matic 3.0 - 01/29/08 22:26

Did you noticed that Bright never answered
Posted By: JimFox

Re: Grass'O'Matic 3.0 - 01/30/08 04:33

I find the grassomatic pictures to be realistic. But PHemox is correct that grass is not often monochrome green without some more or less yellow leaves. The height of the grass depends on how much it has been grazed, the species of the grass and the moisture conditions. If the grass is a tall species, such as Timothy, Orchard Grass, Bromegrass or the like, has enough water, and it is ungrazed and not cut, it will easily reach a height of 3 to 3 1/2 feet or more than a meter high. This is basically what a hay meadow is. The picture of the short, green grass is probably a pasture that has been grazed.
Best regards,
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