WIP - "Attack of the Moon Monkeys (working title)"

Posted By: Drew

WIP - "Attack of the Moon Monkeys (working title)" - 10/24/06 02:16

Just wanted to post some screen of something I'm working on...
I mostly want to get opinions to see if its worth continuing.

So far its a side scroller using texture baking for the models... The style is earley sci-fi cinema...
feedback appreciated!

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: WIP - "Attack of the Moon Monkeys (working tit - 10/24/06 05:40

I like - so far - the style and the depth (focus in the middle) - that's excellent!

Tell us more about the game: the basic idea (adventure/jump n run/...)

Posted By: draculaFactory

Re: WIP - "Attack of the Moon Monkeys (working tit - 10/24/06 06:51

Posted By: FBL

Re: WIP - "Attack of the Moon Monkeys (working tit - 10/24/06 07:01

The screens suffer from one problem - the empty and therefore bit boring landscape/background. But here is the next problem: That's just what the moon is
Posted By: EX Citer

Re: WIP - "Attack of the Moon Monkeys (working tit - 10/24/06 07:19

ON the Moon I expected different Monkeys. Maybe green ones with lanterns on the head. I am missing the fantasy dream world. Like in the Mars Levels of Worms for example.

Besides this its looking good. Unfinished of course (missing things around there, like Enemies, Items, Plants).
Posted By: EpsiloN

Re: WIP - "Attack of the Moon Monkeys (working tit - 10/24/06 18:20

I think it looks good and I agree on that :

the depth (focus in the middle) - that's excellent!

It gives more realistic look...
Posted By: frazzle

Re: WIP - "Attack of the Moon Monkeys (working title)" - 10/24/06 18:42

I like the look of the moon effect you created Drew !!
It looks cartoony but at the same time very artistique
Nice work !!


Posted By: anonymous_alcoho

Re: WIP - "Attack of the Moon Monkeys (working title)" - 10/24/06 23:34

King Kong on the moon! Sweet!
Posted By: Drew

Re: WIP - "Attack of the Moon Monkeys (working tit - 10/25/06 01:01

cool thanks! I've been a bit unsure if I wanted to continue with it... so far its a harmeless adventure of a monkey who crash lands on the moon, a test flight monkey... some levels are side scrolling some are 3rd person, and maybe others are vehicles.. i still have to come up with the full story...
Kind of making it up as i go along...

glad you like it, i'll keep working on it!
Posted By: rincewind

Re: WIP - "Attack of the Moon Monkeys (working tit - 10/25/06 07:21

maybe your ape could go inside this cave on the last picture to get into the inner moon and find the man on the moon to get him back to earth. Maybe this could be his mission. Maybe that on his way to the man on the moon he would come across a strange inside world with some funny creatures.

Just an idea. I like the style in your screenshots

Posted By: sinnlos

Re: WIP - "Attack of the Moon Monkeys (working title)" - 10/25/06 08:16

well its definatly worth continuing!
i like the look very much

what i like:
-depth of field of foreground and background
-moon surface

just some thoughts:
-give the moon monkey more details for example a helmet, an air-breathing-device, etc
-it was already mentioned that the level is very empty. i guess u will add enemies and items in it and a nice user interface with health bar and points then it will be just perfect.
-i would add a star-background for the sky, maybe with a little earth planet, so it's clear that u are on the moon.
-maybe add a little particle effect by the feet when the monkey is walking on the moon surface and the moon-dust gets blown in the air.

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: WIP - "Attack of the Moon Monkeys (working title)" - 10/25/06 09:06

...and make the jumps sllllloooowwwww and wiiiiididddddeeeee (gravity on moon is just 1/7 of the earths gravity)...

Posted By: Wiz

Re: WIP - "Attack of the Moon Monkeys (working tit - 10/30/06 18:55

I'll just have to support the people before me. It looks great so far, and can become incredible. More detail is the first thing that strikes me as needed, but don't overdo it. Remember it is the moon we're talking about.
Posted By: alphaindigo

Re: WIP - "Attack of the Moon Monkeys (working tit - 11/07/06 17:29

mabe if he went in the cave like rincewind said then it might be a little like "first men in the moon" by H. G Wels .... ther is phosphorent rivers and moodcows and other cartoony stuff that will fit in with the game feel...

@ mercuryus i think the gravity on the moon is one sixth not 1/7
Posted By: Doug

Re: WIP - "Attack of the Moon Monkeys (working tit - 11/07/06 20:06

I don't normally comment on people's projects (not good to show bias) but I have to say I love your style Drew.
Posted By: Drew

Re: WIP - "Attack of the Moon Monkeys (working tit - 11/08/06 01:16

thanks! I appreciate it! you just inspired me to work on the game tonight...

thanks to everyone for ideas and feedback!
Posted By: MadMark

Re: WIP - "Attack of the Moon Monkeys (working tit - 11/08/06 01:23

I can't wait to see what you do with this. I love the working title. Bring those Moon Monkeys HOME Drew! There is so much room to be creative with that idea.

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