
Posted By: jumpman

Freye - 11/23/06 04:20

This is a character Im making for an animation, her names Freye. I'm still trying to learn how to use edgeloop modelling for animation, and I think im getting a bit better from last time (edge loop post). Now Im moving from a male character with pronounced details to a female character thats much smoother, but with the same edge loop modelling to accomodate for animation. Ive also been reading "Stop Staring" by Jason Osipia for facial animation for help with the head. Modelling a head for animation is incredibly hard but fun.

She is not in realistic proportions like my last male model, but things can still look off about it, so I need your help to see if anything dosent fit.

Tell me what you think
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: Freye - 11/23/06 04:31

she uhhhh looks a bit excited there no but it looks nice, i like the not-quite-but-almost anime look
Posted By: EX Citer

Re: Freye - 11/23/06 07:40

I am not sure if itīs a boy or a girl, without the body. NO, what I mean is, without the body it looks like a boy. BEcause she has no "wimpern" (these hairs around the eyes), and some forms on her head like her jaw are too straight instead of round, but I think teh second point is the smaller problem. Point 2 makes her look a little mean (like a witch or something). Well the corner of the jaw should be lower. Itīs in the high of the mouth if you see the face frontal. That makes the long straight which doesnīt need to be that straight, espacially for a girl.
Posted By: sPlKe

Re: Freye - 11/23/06 08:33

i like teh body, but i dont ike the head. in fact, the head is ugly, not from a modeling point of view, but if a chick that looks like this wants me, ill start laughing...

oh and the heads too big...

but teh bodys cool!
Posted By: sinnlos

Re: Freye - 11/23/06 09:35

i like the face... especially the nose and the lips area look good.
i guess u are heading into a manga-style character. if so, i would exaggerate the body proportions a little bit. or else it looks like a manga head stitched on a real body.
i also think that u could scale the head a lil' bit down. i know anime chars have big heads, but i think it would look better when the head is smaller.

keep up the good work.

Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Freye - 11/23/06 09:42

This character looks like it is heavily inspired by the Joan of Arc tutorials out there
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Freye - 11/23/06 12:01

I like the cartoony look of it jumpman !!
The face and hair really make it a special character for an RPG kind of game ^^
I'm curious what the skinned version will look like


Posted By: EX Citer

Re: Freye - 11/23/06 16:33

hey... now I remember! Jumpman... YOu made this game with the big breasted girl in the mario like blue trousers very long time ago. What happened to that game? If I remember right I like the chick of that old game much more as this one. But thatīs just my opinion.

And yeah, as spike said, the head is too big and not realy cute. Looks like a witch. I donīt say that because I donīt like you, I say that, because I think you can do that better if you like.

And please no manga/anime style! This makes me crazy!
Posted By: mpdeveloper_B

Re: Freye - 11/23/06 17:45

hmmm...i have to agree with spike, if you want her to look anime style, shrink her head a bit, or make her body a little bigger, and i suggest looking at anime character designs, look at some female anatomy pics (not hentai -_-'), you can get pics like this from ghost in the shell and other animes, if your not going for anime style, then shrink the head even more, and do some touch ups on it. either way the head and face needs a little bit done to it
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Freye - 11/23/06 17:48

Well, he could also make the head even bigger ... It would still be manga style, but just chibi-style, you know, with the big heads hehehe.

Posted By: mpdeveloper_B

Re: Freye - 11/23/06 17:54

haha, but if he wanted to go chibi/SD style, he'd have to make the body kinda wobbly, and have alot less polygons, and less "figure" to it, but lol phoemox ^^
Posted By: jumpman

Re: Freye - 11/23/06 21:30

@ Ex_Citer

"BEcause she has no "wimpern" (these hairs around the eyes)". You mean eyelashes? If so, youre right, Ill put them in. If you dont mean eyebrows, tell me.

"and some forms on her head like her jaw are too straight instead of round". Do you mean the whole jaw silhouette or the sides of the jaw that meet the ear? Or the bottom of the chin? What other forms on her head dont look right?

"Well the corner of the jaw should be lower", your absolutly right, I'll change it.


"i like teh body, but i dont ike the head. in fact, the head is ugly, not from a modeling point of view, but if a chick that looks like this wants me, ill start laughing". Tell me exactly what dosent make her face attractive, Id like to know.

"i also think that u could scale the head a lil' bit down"

" as spike said, the head is too big and not realy cute". Tell me how to make her cute

"if you want her to look anime style, shrink her head a bit"

Definitly, her head is way too big, and I should change the proportions of the body to accomadate for the head.

Im hoping she wont become another perfect proportioned, perfect specimen after changing her looks too much to make her cute.

Yes Ex_citer, I was the one who made that "suspender" female model. She's currently being animated for my platformer game
Posted By: EX Citer

Re: Freye - 11/24/06 07:07

Yes, I mean eyelashes.

About the jaw. Straight strong forms (lines) are for males things, not just for the body, for everything (for example weapons like shields, and spears).
Round soft forms are for everything what should look female, like water bottle for example.

To make her more cute add eyelashes, edit the jaw and make the head smaller. Depending on her age, the head should fit 8 times (<- head+7heads) into the body (body includes the head). I mean if she is 18+ her head should fit 8 times. I mean she is 8 heads high. If younger less times. I know there are also other formulas for the number of heads. There are also different arrangements in which head high what starts/ends (breast, belly, groin, knees etc.). Best is if you know all formulas and use them, when you think they are needed.

And in the end, never forget what you want. I would like to see the "suspender" female again
Posted By: GS_Raphael

Re: Freye - 11/25/06 11:36

nice modelling but you shouls weld the vertices at the "symmetrical line" it looks a bit weird

@ex citer:

Yes, I mean eyelashes.

About the jaw. Straight strong forms (lines) are for males things, not just for the body, for everything (for example weapons like shields, and spears).
Round soft forms are for everything what should look female, like water bottle for example.

To make her more cute add eyelashes, edit the jaw and make the head smaller. Depending on her age, the head should fit 8 times (<- head+7heads) into the body (body includes the head). I mean if she is 18+ her head should fit 8 times. I mean she is 8 heads high. If younger less times. I know there are also other formulas for the number of heads. There are also different arrangements in which head high what starts/ends (breast, belly, groin, knees etc.). Best is if you know all formulas and use them, when you think they are needed.

And in the end, never forget what you want. I would like to see the "suspender"...

nach dem kommentar möchte ich wissen ob du einen eckigen penis hast.
Posted By: TWO

Re: Freye - 11/25/06 21:50


Sry, couldnīt resist
Posted By: EX Citer

Re: Freye - 11/26/06 16:48

GS_Raphael: A photo is less information as a good drawing.
Posted By: Tachys

Re: Freye - 11/28/06 18:26

GS_Raphael: I think the straight, strong form he was mentioning would apply there....unless I'm mistaken in my translation
Posted By: GS_Raphael

Re: Freye - 11/28/06 20:39

never mind - it was just a joke

but lets end this offtopic conversation.

back to topic:
did you fixed the seam allready?
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