unnamed "yet" FPS shooter

Posted By: aztec

unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/15/06 15:19

hey I just wanted to show you some of my work and I wanted to know what you think about it and maybe you can give me some tipps how make the gameplay maybe a bit more realistic
I know that the test level is just default because I cant Level-Design very well however just wanted to show you how its going
movement should include:
jumping, gravity, shooting , aiming, reloading and a dumb KI

Posted By: aztec

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/15/06 15:41

Oh I forgott credits for that awesome m16
by Nicholas B (great moddel )
Posted By: Michael_Schwarz

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/15/06 15:57

cbabe and some spheres... uhuh?
Posted By: Damocles

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/15/06 16:13

Posted By: mk_1

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/15/06 16:25

Der Spieler zuckt unkontrolliert, nachdem man einmal gesprungen ist. Die Schussgeschwindigkeit der M16 ist performance-abhängig (gaaanz schlecht) und ich fühl mich so groß wie ne Schnecke (auch, weil der Spiel elendig langsam ist). Aber es ist ein Ansatz. Immer weiter.
Posted By: aztec

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/15/06 16:42

Ja danke für den Tipp mk_1 und danke auch den anderen wie ich halt gesagt habe das mit dem level ist einfach Default, weil ich nicht Leveln kann.
Danke trotzdem
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/15/06 20:00


...level ist einfach Default, weil ich nicht Leveln kann.

Lieber Aztec,

sag sowas bitte nicht. Leveln ist das, was Du im Bereich Spieleerstellung am Schnellsten lernen kannst. Bleib lieber offen und blockiere Dich nicht von vornherein mit den Worten "Ich kann das nicht". Das stimmt nicht! Du kannst es! Probier es einfach aus.

Schau Dir das gute Tutorial von Dan Silverman an, das Du auf der Downloadseite von Conitec laden kannst und los geht es!

Viel Spaß!

PS: In einem der deutschen 3dgs-Magazine habe ich übrigens auch ein Level-Design-Tutorial geschrieben. Vielleicht hilft Dir das auch?
Posted By: frazzle

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/15/06 20:18

First of all I'm not going to comment the level design but I think you realise that yourself
One good comment or better update that you maded is the recoil, it's still done by current player.tilt + = 1 or sort like but a recoil isn't only the gun that gets a sertain capacitance but also the player. When you shoot for exemple with a MP5A7A sub machine gun, the player's reaction at the short amounts of force that he underseaks when the bullet has been shot, or shorter, when you just pull the trigger. The player will get sertain shocks that will force the player to move his arms and hands who are holding the gun to move back and up because of the capacitance.
It may sound abit confusing but that's just what a realist recoil looks like ^^
But the way you updated it isn't realistic for the full 100% but it's an improvement
Keep up the spirit aztek, I now it's just an SIP but you've got to start somewhere like everybody does


Posted By: aztec

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/15/06 20:29

Thx so much Frazzle Im building all my hope on you

und auch Danke nochmal Frank ich schau mir nochmal so ein tutorial an irgendwie werde ich das schon hinbekommen

Posted By: firekangaroo

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/16/06 23:59

Und Pistolen Icon geklaut von Rockstars, tztztztz
Posted By: aztec

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/17/06 07:43

Ach tatsächlich?
keine Ahnung ich habs ausm Internet
Posted By: mousecatcher

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/18/06 06:25

this is a piece of [censored], who cant put together a bunch of square rooms with already made models in it.
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/18/06 06:29

you know, i wonder how you have friends, go ask your mom to send you to boot camp... btw, learn to read subheadings.. this forum (showcase 1) is for WIP, and hes not showing off his level design or his modelling at all, he's showing off some programming he's doing.
Posted By: mousecatcher

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/18/06 06:30

wat programming. there is nothing to it. so blow me!
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/18/06 06:33

really, you wanna describe to me the trigonometry to show in which direction and at what point the trace is supposed to land? or how bout this, show me work you've done, that makes you able to criticize others? and honestly, foul language is not gonna make you cool, that is why you will probably never get laid, that is if you even make it to puberty before someone kills you out of annoyance
Posted By: mousecatcher

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/18/06 06:41

wow youv got some goos insults there. thats really upset me. go [censored].k yourself!
Posted By: VPrime

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/18/06 08:49


wow youv got some goos insults there. thats really upset me. go [censored].k yourself!

Your a retard. Honestly do you think every game starts of as a graphical masterpiece?
Are that mentally handicapped that you can not tell this is a work in progress. Also are you soo stupid that you cant see that graphics are not the main concern (yet?).
IF you were to stop trying to be an "e-thug" for one minute and read the original post, you would see that what he is showing is his "scripts".

Any ways Before you even start talking crap maybe you should post some thing of your own?

Your a douchebag, and no one really gives 2 craps about your opinion any ways. Apparently your to retarded to even understand the basics of Game Development.. so Just go kill your self now and do the whole game development industry a favour.
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/18/06 13:22

wow, i was gonna type that last night but i was too tired to come over here to worry about it, seriously your a waste of humanitys resources (air,space,food etc) go jump off a bridge.

edit: and im not kidding... go kill yourself
Posted By: aztec

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/18/06 16:03

nice conversation you two did hit the spot^^
thx for defending me

Posted By: lostclimate

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/18/06 16:23

anytime as far as the demo, keep up the good work
Posted By: aztec

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/18/06 16:32

allright I´ll do
Posted By: vartan_s

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/18/06 17:41

Hey, I've just had a look at this, and it looks good.

I can't download the demo so could you send it to me somehow (I'm on a network so sites like rapidshare don't work).

Oh and btw, mousecatcher, I see your mother taught you the manners to censor your swearing. I wonder if your mother 'blows' you too. Maybe the other way around.

Anyways, Aztec, keep up the good stuff, I can't tell much from the screens, but I'd trust you to do a good job . And don't pay attention to the 10 year old on the forums.
Posted By: aztec

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/18/06 17:45

allright you could give me youre E-mail via pm maybe I could send it to you this way or du you have an better Idea
thx and Regards


@ mousecather why dont you show what you can I know its not the best but i think its a lot better that you have done so far
Posted By: vartan_s

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/19/06 18:15

I've tried the game, and it seems like a solid start. You've implemented a jump, which ain't easy. It kind of shakes when you touch the ground, I don't know why. If you're having problems with anything, check out my project (that is if you can decipher which parts are for which).

You've got an AI, so that's further than me there. With some work you could turn this into a really good game (add some bullet holes though).

Also, make the guy a little faster, or add a sprint button or something. People aren't that patient.

I can imagine how could this could be if you put it into a good level, with good enemies and overall good GFX. Sorry I can't help there, but if you need any help scripting I'd be happy to help.
Posted By: aztec

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/20/06 13:20

Allright thx Vartan
I somehow wanted to create such a cool game as youre doing right now
and It looks like Im getting really close to it
thx for your feedback and I hope I can solve the problems like jumping
and sprinting
Thx & Regards
Posted By: aztec

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/20/06 17:26

Allright I updated it some
what do you think?
Its just a new weapon I scripted kinda half_life^^
again thanks to fraps its f*** messed up I cant jump on the boxes
but ingame youre able to jump on the litte one
let me know what you think regards

heres the vid:
Posted By: frazzle

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/20/06 19:24

It's a nice extra feature aztec It will surely be a plus point to your future 'unnamed' FPS


Posted By: aztec

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/20/06 19:32

thanky EDIT:^^(y)ou very much frazzle
Posted By: frazzle

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/20/06 19:34

No thank 'ou' for updating your project aztec


Posted By: Germanunkol

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/20/06 20:43

hey, nice ... i like that... looks a bit like telekenises or however u spell it...^^

lol... you know what? you should acctually call it that: "unnamed"... that'd be cool... sort of like "oblivion"... "unnamed"..."unknown"..."secret"... whatever:)...
I think i'D be cool... or add another word... "your unnamed doom"... XD
Posted By: aztec

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/21/06 07:35

Hey thank you very much
Posted By: vartan_s

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/21/06 13:17

Your probably not able to jump on the box because fraps slows down the framerate, and because there might be a problem in the way you're using the time function it is not allowing you to jump.

I had the same sort of problem.
Posted By: aztec

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/21/06 13:55

yep thats propably it

NEW update look at these pics what do you think of my first
ever barrel explotion

Posted By: Germanunkol

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/21/06 21:03

looking good. You got the colours right.
My suggestion: Make the fire spread more towards the sides. This way it looks like there's something buring infront of the barrel. Make the fire effect wider...

Posted By: aztec

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/21/06 21:36

Okay thx I´ll update that
soon you can see a video of it
Posted By: aztec

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/22/06 10:38

heres the vid
LINK: (sound is a bit crappy)

its an old video the new effect is a bit wider
Posted By: aztec

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/22/06 12:56

and A new pic I´ve stacked them All

I also have granades throwing now
Posted By: Germanunkol

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/22/06 17:05

*rofl*... looool
that looks great!
just... uhm... shouldn't they fall over??
Posted By: aztec

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/22/06 20:37

maybe youre right bad thing is I cant script
any phisics my version doesnt allow it^^
Posted By: Germanunkol

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/22/06 22:12

I know... it sucks-.- Same problem here (commercial)
sell your first game and buy the pro version from the profits
and buy me one too, while you're at it
But... hey... I think this is nearly as interesting as good physics... I mean: how many people manage to create such a tall tower of boxes when they should've fallen down long time ago?
Always look at the bright side of life
Posted By: aztec

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/23/06 09:20

ya right
thx for your support
Posted By: aztec

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/23/06 21:15

hey I got some updating sorry for stealing moddles from cs
butthey are well animated so what do you think of the new moddels + animations?
Posted By: aztec

Re: unnamed "yet" FPS shooter - 12/30/06 16:39

Hey finaly my brother helped me out by starting the first level
its not really good right right its the first time he does Leveling with WED
but Im quite happy with it because I have a first Level (still need a name for the game )
the lightning etc comes a bit later
PS(sorry for the Cbabe its just an enemy test_moddel)

in the second pic you can see wood you got to throw a grenade to estroy it^^
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